
I get your criticism of the episode and all that, but I think you're watching it wrong. Like the EP (or someone behind the scenes) said early on, this show is sort of like a live-action Looney Tunes. I don't care about the plot or any of that, I just care about the stuff that makes me laugh. Was the stuff with Dan

It was good but The Grinder was better.

I'm hoping they go The Good Wife route (recurring judges, allies, enemies, and all), but replace the politics with Rob Lowe's character's fame. With the showrunner's connection to Michael J. Fox, maybe we can get a Louis Canning appearance.

Are they gonna do Fear Talking Dead?

I'm partial to the line said by the guy in response to another guy asking if the first guy is old enough to vote.

Angel's final season takes that old trope where a show flips its narrative on its head and actually flips that trope on its head, making it work for once.

Why not make the time jump longer, like 30 years, and just have Dillon return to take on the role of Ben? Or even better, have Kevin Dillon play Ben.

A vocally devastated Ron Swanson is great comedy. A silently devastated Ron Swanson is heartbreaking.

How could you not mention that Kevin James is 2017's Jason Bourne. I'm not big on them Bourne movies, but if Kevin James was the face of the franchise I would be all in.

I had to rewind that quick bit between Joel and Crosby a couple times. Crosby: "Oh, I could kiss you." Joel: "No one's stopping you." I forgot how much I missed Good Guy Joel's interactions with the Braverman clan.

The "I'm No Angel" sketch is one of my favorite SNL sketches. It's just absurd and was done perfectly.

I'm only 16 minutes into the episode, but I figured I'd get this out now, before I have any doubts. Felicity is Wells' daughter, right? Also I could see Felicity's storyline growing stagnant on "Arrow," leading to her joining "The Flash" full time.

This episode pushed out last week's to be my favorite episode so far. I don't think I've actually laughed out loud at any other show this season than I did watching this last night. Not that I was hysterically laughing throughout, it was more of a constant chuckling.

GRAPHIC NOVEL SPOILER — If you've read the graphic novel, then you might have been a little worried about Glenn. I definitely was. And Morgan's alive (and doing relatively better than he was last time we checked in on him).

It's not that the show gave her a guest spot. It's that the show's giving comedians with a lot of potential bit parts that leave an impression on the viewer.

That's where I knew him from!

I thought this episode was pretty good, at least in comparison to the other episodes this season. Maybe that's because the first four episodes felt like they could've been cut down to just one episode, but this felt like an actual episode and not just more dragging shit out, at least not as much as the other episodes

I fast forwarded through a lot of the sketches. The only ones I watched in full were the cold open, the monologue, the Joan River's roast, and the car ride. The car ride one wasn't great but Bobby Moynihan kept me from skipping ahead.

Last week we had Jenny Slate. This week we have Moshe Kasher and Brent Morin (who unfortunately didn't get to sing a dated pop song). I'm really digging how the show is casting rising comedians in minor case-of-the week roles.

“I can assure you—full immunity is not on the table. But your hand is.”
Best line of the year so far and best line in all of 24's nine seasons.