
It's warm and sunny here today. Took my cats outside for a frolic (They're mostly indoors cats).

Hopefully Nordstorm releases the hard data to back up their fact so the White House can scream "FAKE NEWS FACTS BAD DON'T LIKE!" then shit their pants and curl up in the corner sucking their thumbs.

Huh. It's almost as if this "successful businessman" doesn't understand the concept of supply and demand.

I was around 11 or 12 when the movie came out. It was the very first movie that I ever demanded to be taken back to see multiple times. There was something very special about it that never diminished with each viewing.

I was once made an honorary black man for listening to Public Enemy. Of course… that credential only mattered to the co-workers at my warehouse at the time. But you can start there. Could work.

The best that you can do… is fall in love (with your brother).


I believe that all proceeds that are made from Mein Kampf should go to the Shoah Foundation. But that's just me. I don't think anybody should profit from anything Hitler ever did except for the group of people most affected by his monstrousness.

Doesn't giving Milo a large advance and book deal start a precedent for publishers rewarding something that could be seen as barely concealed hate speech?

Wish I could take a thread like this and STOP ITTTTTTTTT!!!!

As much as I enjoyed Son of Rambow and parts of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Sam Rockwell's Dubya-inspired take on Zaphod still makes me crack up)… I have to say that Jennings truly peaked on his music video for "Imitation of Life". That thing is still immensely watchable. Catchy song too.

Ironically Fred Durst was on meth while binge watching The Jinx.


Let's see… gratuitous nudity… trippy visuals…

My Child is a Cognitive Dissonance Major at Trump University (And He's Grabbing Your Honor Student By The Pussy)

Was he talking about vaccination or does he just not really understand how must abortions are performed?

I swear… this show makes me squee out loud with unbridled giddiness more than any other show… well… that I've seen, at least.

I love you regardless of what size you are, WK. *hug*

"The Day My Baby Left Me a Surprise" is one of my favorite songs of theirs. Also "One Dumb Thing". Such a great track track.