
Fuck that was a great episode. Not just for this show, but for TV period. I have to admit, they fully had me going. I totally expected Ash to take out Pablo… and when he cut him down instead and offered his hand with a smile I literally laughed out loud and clapped my hands with delight. This show… this fucking show

Shh, Michael. Don't bother. Spoilerphobes will complain about anything. You could have said "Bruce Campbell stars in another episode of Ash Vs Evil Dead" in the title and some butthurt crybaby would be like "Well now I know he's in this episode! THANKS FOR RUINING IT!"

This is something I bring up every once in a while. The acting is incredibly cheesy, but it does manage to garner some genuine spooks in the beginning and the ending is pretty terrifying.

Two words: Orson Wells.


Clearly the only reason Biff made this statement is because they are being paid by Big Kitty Litter to shill their tawdry products just so they could line their pockets.

Hey Paul, hey Paul, hey Paul…. cut the shit.

How is somebody asking to be the center of attention when they were clearly photographed on the street without knowledge or consent then those photos were sold to a tabloid?

Yessssss! I voted for the The Tick pilot, never thinking in a million years it would actually go to series. Never been happier to have been wrong.

Once again… agree with a lot of what you say. And yes, I'm definitely biased/more empathetic towards the girl who killed herself than the people who drove her to it. I hope that doesn't make me seem irrational.

I appreciate the time and thought you put in this response. I really do. And you made a few points I certainly agree with. I'm just not as eager to throw that much blame her way.

Jadin Bell, Megan Meier, Rehtaeh Parsons, Jamey Rodemeyer, Kenneth Weishun and many others might have some ideas where the line might be.

-"I… I think that covers all of the stereotypes. Tim Horton's?"
-"No… I mean lets go there right now and get some timbits!"

Three words:

Yeah, the people who lied to gain her trust, got her to flash once, then blackmailed her into doing a bunch of other nasty shit with the threat of showing it to everybody including her friends and family…. eventually driving her to suicide.

More dignified than a paint can to the face. ;)

Darn. Ruined m'day.

Once again, yes that method worked.

The rest of your comment did a decent job of "rebuking" that point though. Not sure what the whole "I'm not naive enough" comment was supposed to add to it other than snark.

"I'm not naïve enough to think that I can wipe it from the face of the Earth."