
Hmm… can't speak for the review, but for the show I'm gonna reserve judgement on what the message is until the end of the season. Ever since SP went serialized, I keep seeing people who think the shows are playing by the old rules of everything having to be said within the one episode.

"If only people cared as little about these things as I did, then everything would be fine."

Cyber-bullying is more than just "words" though. If you don't know the story, do a quick Google search for Amanda Todd.

That wasn't garlic bread, my friend.

If you haven't checked out any of the Kickstarter videos that feature Jonah and the robots riffing on Joel's updates, I highly recommend it. I was already pretty psyched beforehand (I'm a huge fan of Baron Vaughn, so hearing he is the new Tom Servo got me all kinds of giddy).

As somebody who has been living off of two bologna and ketchup sandwiches a day…. I officially hate this thread.

No worries. Frazee absolutely deserved the shoutout, belated or not!

Another great, fun episode. The first 15-16 minutes were a little slow, but that last 10… holy shit.

I took it as he needed the shot of caffeine and sugar to keep him from getting too fucked up. At least, that's what I do whenever one of my cool friends peer pressures me into smoking drugs with a water bong pipe.

Yeah. I like that her giving Ash shit was sort of her way of forgiving him. Or at least accepting his apology.

Nah. He was still alive then. I'm just going with "Pablo was a huge nerd" and laying the whole thing to rest. Little nitpicks aren't gonna ruin this show for me.

Exactly. Right along with "Transforming your 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Into a Battalion Chariot" and "Home Surgery for Lumberjacks".

Agreed. It didn't bother me nearly as much as others. If anything, as somebody who has done VFX himself, I mostly just breathed a sigh of relief for the poor bastards who had to paint out Campbell's hand every week.

God. Damn.

You're not in America, right? Cuz it'd be 9am where I am when you posted it. And… I personally don't care, but some people might see morning/afternoon drinking as a problem.

Ruffalo Baffled By Self-Bifurcating Buffalo!

My particular favorite exchange:

Read a couple of reviewers crap on this episode. Saying it was a huge drop in quality. Not buying it. Also, I like that they aren't trying to force the demonic POV shot into every episode. I imagine we will see it again, but hopefully not overdo it. The first episode had a nice dose.

I'd implore people to rewatch the original Muppet Show. Kermit was sometimes just a flat-out dick. He'd continuously lie to Miss Piggy and string her along just to get her to behave. He stiffed the staff a bunch (Not out of greed mind you, just… no money… he just usually held onto that info after the show had already

Hey… I didn't care for the song (Much like most popular songs these days, I prefer the Weird Al version)… but that was a pretty damn great video.