
Okay… so what does that have to do with my initial comment? Or is your hard-on for putting Tapper down so great that you can just help yourself?

I meant my initial comment where you brought up Jake Tapper for no reason.

So… basically your reply had nothing to do with my original comment? Not trying to be shitty here, just honestly wondering why you brought it up in response to my comment, that's all.

In order for that statement to be fair, the two things mentioned would have to be comparable.

Honestly… this just smacks of him going, "See? I'm so rich I don't even need this money."

My guess is they strapped a GoPro to the shotgun. A cool shot indeed!

That header picture might be the best form of birth control discovered yet.

Ahem… I believe you mean Dragon Boy Suede.

Yup. Into a giant black hole of barely-repressed shame and overpriced horsemeat posing as quality steaks.

Shhh.. You're using your brain to think. You should be using your feelings instead. Don't you know how to Internet Outrage, Steve? Pshaw.

But… but… jury duty. Bleh. /s

I'll believe that when we get medical marijuana out here! In fact… I'll believe most things then. I'll be too stoned to think about things critically.

You all should check out this new hard-hitting video from the Wall Street Journal. It proves that a Springfield-area nuclear power plant worker is actually a serial sexual assaulter and virulent misogynist:

Yeah… but then it went to Romney the next cycle and Spray Tan Nosferatu this past one. Maybe it's just a matter of the Democrats out here being inspired (Or scared shitless) enough to actually get out and vote. I dunno. I don't know a single thing about how any of this shit works. Which should make me wholly qualified

Three words keep me hopeful: Stress-induced stroke.

I'll admit… I didn't vote. But in my defense, I was in California. I knew all of those millions of illegals would take care of it for me.

Dunno if you and Burl wrote during the period during which I read Fango (Nor do I want either of you two to give up your anonymity) but… if so…thanks. That magazine sparked a lifelong fascination and interest in all areas of filmmaking.

"Ent naow ze award for dee bayst rrrap, heep-hope or fock act."

Waters did ask Breitbart if he was a tea-bagger top or bottom.

Pounded in My Butt By the Soul Crushing Realization That the World Is Not Fair and Often Times a Very Cruel Place Indeed