
"Hey! We just bought the rights to an 80s movie about a college filled with whacky and eccentric geniuses. What should we do with it?"

I'm gonna buy the Blu-Ray just for the deleted scene of Fausto doing the Cabbage Patch to "The Humpty Dance."

I believe it was the follow-up to "Sussudio" Phil Collins never finished.

Honestly… Paul had me after last episode.

Smith haters… say what you will. But as a fan of the podcast, I'm mostly happy to see Ralph Garman on TV. He's a pretty funny dude who's been toiling away doing radio and bit parts in movies and TV (He played Mark Wahlberg's dad in Ted, if anybody saw all five seconds of his role), so I'm finally happy to see him get

He turns into Chelsea Handler.

All I can say is… didn't it take Cheers 5 seasons to become a ratings hit? People are slow. But word of mouth is aggressive and eventually people catch on.

I think this has to do with the fact that there were very few, if any, "filler" episodes like you find on shows with these "full" orders. Even Parks and Rec can't escape the fact that sometimes an episode just exists to exist.

Also, wonder if the creator of Veep is flattered by the crime family's name. teehee

Okay… no way that was only 22 episodes. Fuckkkkk that was good. Like… good in ways 30-minute comedy shows haven't been in a while (I mean, Archer, of course, but that came out a while ago and no show has had such a strong first impression/season yet).

I don't know if any of that is true, but I'd totally watch whatever show you're talking about. Sounds like Head of the Class for the 21st Century.

I see your quark and raise you a smock.

Sounds like this Answers in Genesis group is living in…

"Feel free to enjoy Hannibal and ignore gender discussions of this nature if you don't care for them"

Gah. E-mail from disquss woke me.

Yep. I could skip the thread. Tech could get over it. You could eat a sammich. There's a world of possibilities. But I'm sleepy now, so I will bid you farewell and wish you luck on that sammich!

Okie dokie! Try not to sprain your ankle when you get off your soapbox! Take care!

To be fair… you have a LOT of replies in this entire thread. I didn't come to read your dissertation on Bryan Fuller's subconscious misogyny.


"Also, complaining on the internet brought Community back, where have you been?"