
I agree you can like and watch and criticize. It's just when that criticism becomes so fervent and seemingly determined to wreck other people's enjoyment of the show… I just get an icky feeling. Like stepping on a goldfish with my bare foot (Not the cracker). Bleh.

Well complaining about it on the internet will certainly fix everything! Plus it takes way less energy than just not watching the show!

"Ki-ki-ki" gah! fuckballs! *shudder*

Great write-up, Todd. Agree pretty much across the board. Was bummed that the actual story seemed so rushed (This episode seemed shorter than most… dunno why… is it possible this was originally planned as a 2-parter and at the last minute NBC went 'Nah, too much nerd stuff'?). But the stuff that worked made up for a

I was hesitant like most but…. dat cast…

Clearly he meant Martin Lawrence.

I seriously hope somebody is adding "Fear is their bacon bits." to every crocodile wiki out there right now.

Just wanted to add to this with personal experience: My dad was a cop when I was growing up in Indianapolis. And sure that might not seem like a hotbed of criminal activity where murder tableaus constantly are popping up like new Walmarts… but…

Thanks for that! I could have sworn they've already dealt with cameras on the show. And really… It isn't too hard to buy that Hannibal MIGHT possibly be just smart enough to figure out a way around them.

"And if you think the voters are "obese, ignorant mouthbreathers who were always wrong about everything" you shouldn't be in elected government."

I approve of this message… mostly because I like my Freddy Krueger to be a bit of a party animal… you know… the type who would wear a tuxedo shirt to a wedding just because he knew it would make everybody feel superior to him. He's more than happy to carry that burden….

Thank god those two weeks are over. Stupid fucking Olympics or whatever.

I used to work in animation as an editor. Dunno if Archer follows the same track, but usually in animated shows they'll have a "walla" library. Basically a large selection of different sounds characters make (Grunts, impacts, laughs, sneezes, random taglines or loose phrases that could be shoe-horned in). They would

I learned what a snowball was in the mid-90's thanks to Clerks. Way pre-internet. I'd say Kevin Smith ruined my life, but processed sugar and late night Cinemax had already beaten him to the punch.

Also, just on a personal note… We all know the internet can be a cesspool of hate and ignorance… but honestly… I don't get a ton of that from here. The AV Club comment system (While not completely immune to such things) has proven to be quite a surprise. The comments on here are consistently entertaining and creative

Huh… well here I was afraid I'd have no plans for the day… but now I have plenty of plans. And they all involve me sobbing embarrassingly on my couch.

Goddamn this show reduces me to tears so often. Seeing Bob Ducca made me both squee with delight and lament the fact that his podcast hasn't been updated in forever. The "Get Out" sketch was perfect from start to finish, but I absolutely lost my shit at "Is this exercise?" Pan down to Gene. "Yuh."

Was that title sequence with the cast new? I remember KD's narration, but then the episode usually started afterwards. Either way, I like it. It's got a fun vibe.

Not if you remember that stupid people are just as dangerous. Then you're Boyd Crowder. *nods to the two men the corner to blast you with shotguns while peeling off kevlar* Checkmate, good sir!

As a rule of thumb, never bet on the smart guy surrounded by dumb criminals. Eventually somebody is gonna offended, and everybody's armed, and the smart guy thinks he can outsmart them with talk and threats and the dumb guys just go, "I want you dead now" and then they do that. It's one of the most horrible things