
This show, like Parks, is very good at hitting my smile button. I guess it's nice to see people not acting like assholes on TV all the time.

Kinda like vampires.

Which can only mean one thing: Hilarious Nazi Science Consequences!

Arguing taste is one of those things that… it may feel right, but ultimately you're saying "WHY AREN'T YOU ME?!?!" which is… well… *points to a history book on fascism* Slippery slope.

Nor can you unsee it…. *shudders*

It's been on the back of my mind. But that's one of the things I love about this show (And will miss terribly about Breaking Bad): they are very aware of the stories they are telling, as well as viewer expectations. That's why they are so good at not only predicting questions the viewer will be asking themselves, but

That was interracial porn. And it was on a DVD/VHS. Internet porn is a whole different game, son.

What a fantastic episode. The cold opening alone had me giggling hysterically. And between Pam's coke rage and Cheryl's "Then all of a sudden: GRANDPA!" (As well as the callback to the elderly Tunt's habit of scaring black people dressed as ghosts) I was in tears. Then it just kept going. Loved Gary Cole's performance

All I can say is power through. If you reach the end of season 2 and aren't in love with the show then just give up. It's probably not going to be for you. Hope you do though!

"Britta-Bot programmed badly, wires with fraying ends. Functioning mad and sadly, no faith in herself, or friends…" *sniff*

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I really liked the Annie and Hickey storyline. To me it feels like the beginning of a much bigger story, and frankly I'm excited about it. Plus… come on… Jonathan Banks at the end there? How could you not want Hickey to solve The Ripper case with the help of his trusty new

Shoshannah Stern of Weeds and Jericho fame? Although she's acting about as much as Marlee Matlin these days.

"It’s the courage, shaky though it may be at times, to live with the knowledge that what you want most might always be out of your reach."

At least it's Kyle Kinane and not Gilbert Gottfreid anymore.

Well I live in Los Angeles, so again… my lack of social life makes all of my arguments invalid.

I can agree that eating around smoke isn't pleasant. But my argument was more for bars. And yes, there are hookah bars and cigar shops, but most of those places don't have an alcohol license. And if my friends are going to force me to go out and drink with them, I want a cigarette to numb-

Passive aggressive people gonna be passive aggressive I guess. Doesn't bother me.

Smoke is an irritant, no doubt. I don't think anybody would willingly make the argument that smoke is harmless. And I guess if your argument is that you know smoke affects you because of the reaction… well that's true. It clearly affects you. Just be careful with saying the severity with which it's affecting (ie "I

It's just a smell that you find unpleasant and your body reacts accordingly. Nothing more than that. I get that way in the fish department at the grocery store sometimes. If I'm ready, I'm good. But if all of a sudden my nostrils are filled with raw fish smell, I get sweaty, my stomach gets nauseous, etc.

Cigarettes provide a function! They keep me from wanting to kill the world!