
As somebody who has experienced both I'd say the only difference between an anxiety "hiccup" (Like what he's describing) and a full-on anxiety attack is that you can catch yourself in the middle of a hiccup and go, "That's just your brain, settle down." With the attack… you don't really have a whole lot of input into

And see? You would make a CHOICE to not go! Everybody would have a CHOICE! The world would be a beautiful and harmonious place! Racism and war would end! Children would take to the streets and sing!

Wasn't calling you the troll. If you read my comment, it was clearly a reply to Jordo.

Took you this long to figure out, huh? :p

I think that's just further proof of your mind deteriorating. It's okay though, we'll get you through this. All you gotta do is flarble blarble gooble goop.

Just seems like everything they proposed on the show that's been discussed on this board you've chimed in with some argument against or negative critique. I dunno, man.

lol. Sorry for putting your message board credentials in check. I'm sure you'll recover.

This comment should be printed out and given to every new hire at Fox News. Quicker than a mission statement.

Ah. So you take everything literally and make it about you? Good luck wit that.

Yeah… first time you've made that argument, buddy. Maybe re-read your own posts.

Actually I've been READING what he said instead of just REACTING, and you're hung up on something he said pertaining to his OWN personal experience. You're taking something he said about HIMSELF and making an argument that he said it about EVERYONE.

Except your feelings are now law.

Yeah… except with city-wide smoking bans businesses have LOST THE RIGHT TO DO SO. So your feelings have taken away someone else's freedom. *shrug*

My favorite part of this argument is that everybody has rights except the smoker.

Cartman's comment about pre-ordering being just a way to promise your money away to "some asshole in California who isn't even finished making it yet" seemed like a rip aimed at themselves for the SoT delays.

To be fair, he did kinda come around on it there… but the first eighty times I heard it, I couldn't get over the blatant Cecilia lifting… then about the eighty third time I just gave up and sang along. All of this was during one phone call on hold with *insert topical tech support reference*

This show is walking a fine line between stupid and entertaining. The same high wire act The Following tried and… well… I think we all gave up on that show right around the same time after the exasperation stopped being fun. I think right around the time they moved into the mansion. Maybe before.

Gotta save something for the BluRay. *insidious wink*

Dawescancercock… that's that German movie about the submarine, right?

Dawescancercock… that's that German movie about the submarine, right?