
It does seem the one place long-running animated shows get to stretch their legs creatively. It's like they're stuck in the rut of having to keep the show "familiar" and the only time they get to show some actually diversity is in the opening credits. There have been some pretty interesting ones. The Banksy Simpsons

Lots of good stuff tonight. Much better than the premiere.

Pfft. Y'all are busters. The scariest thing ever aired on television is obviously that fucking Indian Nightmare Murder Cave 2-parter from Punky Brewster.

I thought ho was short for "ho-bag".

"Celebrate good times! Come on!"

Gonna try my best to answer these:

I once played a game of Crazy Eights which ended in the death of my grandmother. I'd say the cost of that game was much higher.

Any more and he'd be the mayor of San Francisco! ZINGGGG!

Either that or Mike E. saves Jesse and we all learn what a truly horrible shot Walt really is!

Is it wrong that I really want Breaking Bad to end with Flynn beating Walter to death with his crutches? Or anybody really? My god… this show has twisted me beyond reason. Every time I see his crutches I just think he should be beating everybody with them.


Only if he had the same Jackie Brown hairstyle.

You say "whimper", I say "wet plop." Same basic principle though.

I think it has something to do with the phrase "money without consequence."

I totally heard that in Batista's voice…

I like how last week people were all bummed that we weren't going to see the disappearing guy, then Vince Gilligan (Using his magic eight ball powers to predict the future) not only delivered…. but knocked it out of the fucking park.

No. But I do like that one Scatman song. Bee-bah-dop-bah-doh-boh! Bee-dop-bop-bah-doh-boh!

Last week I accused Breaking Bad of shitting in my heart… in a good way.

It's gonna be replaced by a broadcast of The Emperor of Television giving Vince Gilligan an awkward yet desperate blowjob for like… a solid hour straight. The whole time Vince will just shrug and smile aww-shucks-like and say, "Gee, I guess y'all liked it." And then TV blows up forever.