
Sarah Bernhard…. Sandra Bernhard…?

Man… I envy you. My veins are still pulsing with WTF.

Just gonna fix one little part for you:

At this point, they've moved on past my spirit and are now repeatedly kicking my brain in the balls. But yeah… two more and then… what? What then, @avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus ?!?! What do we do with ourselves!? That is the true cliffhanger of Breaking Bad!

You mean all of them, right @avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus ? :)

First time a show has ever had me shaking with tension and my eyes full of tears at the same time. Damn I'm gonna miss it.

Dear Breaking Bad,

Ultimately the FINAL BOSS doesn't matter this season. They're an obstacle and we all know there will always be an obstacle. This season is about Walt and Jesse (And the rest of the main characters) and their resolutions.

As well as Matt Besser's performance, "He's a monkey… man… an ape… monkey man! He is an… an.. maaaannnnnnnnn…."

Still want your money back for Reindeer Games too, huh? Yeah. It's a bummer.

Hey hey! Ho ho! This penis party's gotta go! Hey hey! *clap clap* Ho ho! *clap clap*

As much as I kinda sorta like Bradley Cooper, Matt Berry would have killed this role.

I thought they called you that because you were as curious as….

I really hope this song isn't "from the heart" and was just a blatant cash-grab or music company requirement. Because if this guy really released this song to the natural public thinking, "Yeah man… my shit's so deep. Gonna move people."… then I really hate humanity.

Songs that contain lyrics about the song currently being sung being written isn't an actual song. Furthermore, any song mentioning a woman and something that happened between the singer and said woman that spurred the writing of song the singer is currently singing is not a real song.

a bear hug, maybe.

The world needs more Pattons and Mr. Rogers'.

She plays the older sister.

I may be reaching, but I thought it was a call-out to that Youtube video of the little girl crying over the campaign season. Maybe not… But marijuana says it's so!

I may be reaching, but I thought it was a call-out to that Youtube video of the little girl crying over the campaign season. Maybe not… But marijuana says it's so!