
Makes sense, considering you must have had some kind of time-altering device yourself if you knew about Back to the Future a year before it came out.

I've probably listened to Coffinworm's "When All Become None" more than any album this year. Tops for me.

aren't videos supposed to sell songs?
I think I'm one of the "detractors" who is not going to be happy with increased melodic tendencies and such on the new Kylesa. But I love their last two albums, so I'm going to give it some time and a chance. But I will say that video is just rotten. I see Scion has its

FUCK. Please ignore the previous post. I wish I had a time machine. *feels shame*

sugar: I feel sad for you if you think Automatic for the People, one of REM's best albums, is simply that "one the religion song on it."

I thought Arrested Development got worse with each season, until the third seasons had some quite bad parts. I know they were forced to squeeze the story into fewer and fewer episodes in later seasons, but stuff like the Wee Britain/Rita sideplots were just dumb. And I'm a very big fan of the show, willing to overlook

I would suggest Hooded Menace for pretty fun and kickass proggy stoner doom.

Martian, Persia, etc.: Hollow Man gets a bit clunky in the end, but I think it's a pretty solid Verhoeven satire, and definitely underrated. Just as Starship Troopers was an obvious satire of war movies and a society that revels in myths of military might, Hollow Man has a lot to say about violence in movies and what

I'm gonna agree with Doc Memory. And this is coming from a Nintendo fanboy. I thought the first Super Mario Galaxy was pretty much a small update of SM64 (and Sunshine), and for that reason I got bored about a third of the way through. Felt like I've played the game before. I'm not at all interested in this one.

Echoing Tobias's comments along these lines, I'd say if you prefer the movie with caves as the enemy and no monsters, you simply don't like the horror genre.

If you want cult, I'd say go with Hollow Man, which has far less critical respect than Starship Troopers but is still pretty awesome, in my book. (I'm very pro-Verhoeven in my film biases.)

If you want cult, I'd say go with Hollow Man, which has far less critical respect than Starship Troopers but is still pretty awesome, in my book. (I'm very pro-Verhoeven in my film biases.)

My wife has a huge crush on him, too. She's loved him since she saw him in Mayor of Casterbridge. We even went to see a play he was in a few years ago so she could see him in the flesh.

Nic, you have a lot of time to play Mass Effect! What are you going to do when part 3 comes out and you have to juggle outcomes in two previous games to alter starting conditions? I was tempted to do what you're doing, but when I thought about doing it before part 3, too, I just felt overwhelmed by the idea.

It isn't clear who the game is for
Its for me! Loved the first one. I find the simple exploration entertaining, and I appreciate how unconcerned the game seems with being cool. I'm looking forward to getting the second one, even though I'm not sure what a low-tech reef is.

Trade paperback are fucking rips offs! I like a hardback because it lasts and feels sturdy, though I agree hardbacks can be expensive. But trade paperbacks are like a poor kid's hardback. I imagine publishers say, look, it's a paperback, but we made it extra big so it's almost as nice as a hardback.

I would say the were simply more rocking. Archers ruled live, and totally committed to just rocking the fuck out. Pavement were rather inconsistent, and never seemed able to embrace making a huge rock and roll noise (the times I saw them).

You'll also find "Holiday in Cambodia" on Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables. The version on Give Me Convenience is the original single version, the one on Fresh Fruit is a rerecording. I love Give Me Convenience, but I wouldn't call it essential simply for having a version of "Holiday in Cambodia" on it. (And it

Never understood the love for this guy's work
"Inventive and hollow all the way through" sounds like a perfect description for everything I've read from Straub, including his much-praised "Ghost Story."