
Good point on Kong. All I could think of as subversive was something like Come and See, which uses a narrative style seemingly informed by fairy tales to tell a story that destroys any sense of meaning or order or goodness in the world.

Same. Though I wouldn't call Company of Wolves subversive wth respect to fairy tales. But I wouldn't call any of these subversive. I'm not sure what that even would look like in this context.

Ha! She really stepped into the lion's den with her criticism. Good for her. Not surprised by all the defensive reactions. I can totally see where she's coming from. Sad-sack male navel-gazing does seem out of step with the modern world. I may listen to a lot of it, but can only say, touché.

I agree about Come and See. That one was harrowing. One of the most profound cinema experiences of my life.

Freaky dogs with human faces + walking to the bus stop in the winter dark = my fear-soaked childhood.

Thank you. Now I can go spend my time productively without feeling the need to school these simpletons.

This internet list is true to form. Just wanted to put a word in for Pineapple Express, which strikes me as an odd omission given the number of amusing-more-than-funny or painfully-unfunny movies above. I laughed more at Pineapple Express than any of these, although if we are including masterpieces like Ghost World it

Don't forget his Barry Black stuff. When I was in my deepest Archers phase in the mid 90s, I used to listen to that first Barry Black album a lot.

The AV Club front page has articles about Legend of Zelda and Survivor, and yet this book is "trashy" and something that should be a "guilty read." The strikes me as either rhetorically lazy or self-hating. Either way, boo and hiss.

Ramsey Campbell is one of my favorite writers, and even I don't like his novels very much. His real strength and reputation rest on his short story work. Demons By Daylight is enough to ensure his place in the horror cannon. Alone with the Horrors is an essential omnibus of his short work. And while Strange Things and

Brian Wilson used it, too. It has a well-established pedigree in big-sound pop rock.

I used to share the internet hive-mind opinion on Justice, but over the years it has grown on me more an more, and now it's my favorite Metallica album. I love the tight, anxious sound.

Thank you! I had to search the comments to find this. It's like scratching an itch. Better a smart ass than a dumb one.

I agree that Showgirls was not very satisfying, but I'll step in to defend Hollow Man. It seems to mostly be right in line with Verhoeven's cake-and-eat-it-too style of Hollywood satire, in this case obviously going after the voyeurs in the audience who wanted a spectacle of violence. I don't like the battle at the

Couldn't something very similar be said about sports and sports fans? I feel like enjoying a childish spectacle made with adult abilities and resources is something many people share, and probably says a little about what being a person is like, and not a whole lot interesting about "modern existence," except insofar

Regular foxes have mandibles. A mandible is a lower jaw bone.

Right on. That's one sweetly melancholic tune. One of my favorite tv theme songs of all time.

One of the best parts of Dark Souls for me was the highly inventive monster design. Can anyone say if DSII is similarly awesome? I've tried not to look at too much advance stuff on DSII to minimize spoilage, but from what I've seen it looks like a lot of knight/zombie style monsters.