
Don't worry. Lots of metalheads hate Opeth.

Bad horror: who's at fault?
I appreciate West's concern that the poor state of horror movies is "the audience's fault," but I think he fails to make an important distinction. I certainly doubt that it's the fault of people who actually complain about the state of horror. That audience really cares about horror movies.

I'd say Reggae Fan's point stands, although not know a lot about reggae wont necessarily prevent someone from liking dub. I got into dub first, and then into reggae. I liked a lot of dub before I really "understood" it. It's simply a fact that by getting into dub first, you'll miss out on knowing about the riddims and

Yes, my opinion is that Time Bandits is Gilliam's masterpiece, a movie in which he claims the right and power of imagination to do what it will even over historical fact. I love it, and I have since I was six.

I had to look it up, and I say this as another thinking person.

Do you really think Varg's next album might be good? I don't enjoy the spacey, neo-classical stuff. I guess he's claiming the album will be mostly "metal," but I can't say I'm excited yet.

Yeah, the album's not my thing, but at least it has a pretty cover.

I thought The Terror was a bore and ultimately a failure. As the reviewers note, "an inexplicable dark god lurking at the edges isn't nearly as upsetting as the dwindling food supplies and an actively hostile environment." That's true, and that's why the book stinks. The monster is way less interesting than the men's

I appreciate that Joe Hill got his first deals before everyone knew he was King's son. But I doubt 20th Century Ghosts would have the legs it does without that fact becoming public knowledge. It is a decent collection of stories, but there has been much better horror published in the last 10 years. Speaking generally,

Where are the shmups?! And the dungeon crawls?!

Is there such a thing as a good escort mission? I find they range from bearable to rage-inducing, without any being memorable for anything except thinking "that wasn't so annoying" (RE4, for example). Why do developers keep putting escort missions in games?

Groundhog Day is a good one.

Right on. Honestly, I don't think good horror can come from psychologically healthy places.

I was a bit put-off by the "period" argument, too, but I guess it is true enough for a lot of people for whom horror=King. It would have been a period for me, too, if horror writing didn't re-emerge as a deep love of mine in my 30s. As it turns out, I don't like a lot of the writing that I liked as a teen, but there

Ah, agreement!
I'm coming late to this discussion, but had to add something, motivated by gratitude and some bile.

check out page one. at least a few fans.

I thought Stuart Gordon's Dagon, based on Shadow Over Innsmouth, did a decent job of capturing the Lovecraftian feel, although it departs from the story.

Lord of a Visible World is ST Joshi and David Schultz, eds. And I agree it is a great companion to the Joshi bio, which has a lot of letters in it already. Lovecraft was a very interesting and insightful letter writer.

We do Wall-E and Spirited Away, which are a-ok in my book.

I maintain that Shadow of the Colossus is the best video game of all time. That opinion is as subjective as can be, of course. But for me that game is the apex of a video game tradition that began sometime around Super Mario, and hasn't been bested yet.