
How I miss these indulgences.
Know what fucks this all to hell? Having little kids around. Enjoy your self-indulgent sicknesses, guys.

Event Horizon struck me as pretty mediocre to bad, actually. I didn't see why a personal hell was waiting for these little humans far off in space/other dimensions.

One is enough
I like the Clientele, but they almost epitomize the kind of band where I feel one album is all you need. I loved Suburban Light. Then I got Violet Hour and liked it decently, but I just couldn't see needing any more. (The true epitome of this musical trajectory is AC/DC.)

I'd argue that rail shooters have a legit place in the world of games,; they're not just "lazy" games. In cases like these I think it helps to have played and loved rail shooters when they were some of the coolest games in the arcade. I was excited when it became clear that the Wii would be home to a decent number of

at least it is zombie free
No horror trope is more overplayed than zombies. (Maybe vampires, if you're a girl.) I'll take sea monsters any day.

I like the album cover. It stopped my in my tracks at the display in Target. Then I saw it was Pearl Jam and kept on shoppin' for storage bins an stuff.

Just to solve this for everyone: no Megadeth is as good as Master of Puppets.

Okay, back to the important point mentioned before: Shrinebuilder audio, please.

set in the 80s?
I'm pretty sure Metropolitan, though clearly shot in the 80s, is intended to be set in the early 70s or so. I recall reading something in which Stillman said as much, although he didn't have the budget or desire to bring a full period piece off.

I see the death growl and black screech as logical ends on an evolutionary path of extreme singing that begins with the "natural" bellowing and shouting that seems to be the tolerance limit of some people in this thread. These forms of extreme singing are in fact crafted and stylized, and in that sense I think they

I like Graham Coxon and I don't want a Blur album without him. He's an amazing guitar player.

I was in college in '94 and never, not once, heard a remix of December 1963 at any party. What kind of schools were you going to where that was "ubiquitous" and played too often at frat parties? Our frat parties were heavy on Cypress Hill and stuff like that.

How many is many
I've heard many people call it the greatest string of words ever strung together. Many, many, many.

Seriously, though, how is this game hard? Is the combat challenging but fair, or totally cheap? And why is 15 hours too long? Are the tasks repetitive?

Pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, that's what I want
When I get to your pad, don't say that you don't
Wanna let my bone meet your ham
'Cause I'll strip you butt-naked and take your goddamn

Wha? Greatest Willie D is "I Need Some Pussy."

Anywhere: I'm curious what you mean by acknowledging that Blood Meridian is a horror story. What is a horror story to you, and how does acknowledging that alter what you expect from a story?

After all the hype the violence in this novel gets, I was surprised by the relative leanness of the descriptions of violence and gore in Blood Meridian.

Does it undercut your theory at all to note that Holden's name is given long before the end of the book?

Fools, Sabbath and Master of Puppets both rule. End of discussion.