
I think a lot of music fans in the US don't give PSB their due. Sure enough, a lot of literate pop fans adore them, but they are not widely loved. A lot of folks seem to consider them as sort of nostalgic 80s acts, unfortunately. By the way, this is one of the first interviews I've read in full at the AV Club for a

I also didn't like the first solo disc. Pulp put out three amazing, beautiful albums in a row (Different Class, This Is Hardcore, We Love Life), and I don't think Jarvis got anywhere close in terms of quality. A lot of lazy songwriting, in my opinion. I'm not sure if I can even give the second solo album a try, I was

I think Bionic Commando is very well appreciated by most gamers. In my experience it is neither "widely unsung" or "one of the most under-appreciated" games. A google search will reveal as much. Why the need to see it as unpopular?

This puzzle game was intriguing enough. But from my perspective the enjoyment came from solving the puzzle. The "genuine emotion" felt pretty thin on this end.

I used to want to kill my brain when it was forced to sit through some horrid Aziz Ansari "comedy" when I'd catch him on New York Noise or something like that.

I'm surprised someone can be a "pretty big fan of the Smiths" but not care much about Morrissey solo.

I like B&S, but they are to Smiths/Morrissey like the Jam is to the Clash. The pose seems right but the vitality is missing.

Enough with the zombies
This is a pop culture trend that has worn out its welcome. Speaking as a fan of just about any work in the horror genre, I don't want to see zombie anything for at least 10 years. In most recent cases, zombies carry their burden as metaphors rather poorly. Heavy metaphor is the enemy of real

I can't say I love Burzum, but Varg's place in BM development seems unassailable. I can take his voice, which I imagine to capture anguish and turmoil, but his drumming strikes me as the weakest part of Burzum.

I'm not that surprised to see a Wolves In The Throne room review here. For better or worse (well, it's for the worse, in my opinion) they are lumped into the "hipster metal" realm that gets Pitchfork.com reviews. I was a bit more surprised to see the Lamb of God review a few weeks back.

I don't think Long Goodbye is a good book to start with for someone new to the genre. In fact, I expected to see the title in the "Where Not to Start" section. The plot of that book hardly makes sense, especially if someone is trained on the simple tick-tock of most crime story plots. Perhaps it coheres after multiple

Well, I guess you called them metallic hardcore first, which I'll accept.

Ha ha. Here's some fun. Converge kick ass, but they're not metal.

Yeah, "Get The Knack" is a solid album, through and through. A perfect catchy, cynical power pop masterpiece in my view.

Hmm. Am I the only one that thinks Billy Madison is tops in this genre? I would have expected to see some BM love by now.