Baron Von Costume

Mrs. Krabapple, I really need my drumsticks backā€¦

Graham is the offspring of Ricky from Better off Dead and the fat kid from the Far Side.

I was thinking of the MasterChef Control Program, where the winner hurls a plate into Joe's giant spinning head.

Jim Henson's MasterChef Babies.

Rap Ape: he's a full-up platinum back, yo.

Wasn't Peni-Shildor where Frodo met an elf stripper?

The devil, you say!

"Thank god Leonard came back before Penny became a raging alcoholic, because things were certainly heading in that direction."

The 80's, as a decade, didn't have as many 80's references as this show did.

Crap. Perfectly stupid joke shot down.

She's the fireworks factory? Yeah, okay, I can see it.

Am I the only one who gets aroused by The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald?

It's just like life, only full of boobs.

I think seeing his Geocities page will be worth the price of admission.

Gimme a nice schmear of Frank Grimes.

So he's not proactive?

Bloated Flatulent Sex was my favorite band in 80's.

1. I think it's hilarious that they make such a big deal about the Masterchef trophy, that cheap piece of glass that screams, "Hey! Things Remembered had a sale!"

If British television shows on PBS have taught me anything, it's that no one in England is under the age of 50.

I sing my favorite bands' songs in the privacy of my own home, with sock puppets. The way the Almighty intended.