Baron Von Costume

Is this a prequel to The Carrie Dairies?

Thesaurus. Or something similar.

I'm half expecting a gigantic hand to come out of the ground and smash Dunder-Mifflin in the last episode.

You know what's really eerie? He looks a lot like a young Roger Ebert.

Therefore, according to the AV Club's rigid conformity bylaws, everyone is required to like her. Dissension will not be tolerated.

After that, we had a whale of a time. I took her to dinner. I took her to dance. I bought her a bouquet of flounders. And what did I get for my troubles? A case of the clams. 

"she appears to actually have sex in the end"

Actually, one of the most important lessons learned this season was if you share anything personal with Carol, you'll likely die soon.

*bursts into tears, runs out*

So our long national nightmare is at last over…

Call it "Big And Tall."

He should smack young Gary Coleman in the face again.

Hard to believe that Louie Anderson and Katherine Webb are made up of essentially the same genetic material.

*a single tear rolls down my cheek*

I'm curious as to the urban dictionary's definition of "Actively rooting." I bet it's something ribald, unless I miss my guess.

I waited for an hour in the men's room the other day, and not a single employee came by to wash my hands. I had to do it myself.

He fixes the cable?

Is this the biopic of that weasely faced tv doctor who makes fat ladies cry?

I'm curious how, if the results are supposed to be secret, that last song named people who had lost. What, were they writing the song as the show went on?

Britta in black undies.