
Nice advice folks. Time to retreat to my cave and not emerge until I either succeed or quit.

Exactly. But what is the start of a new year but an excuse to fail spectacularly at something, yet again?

It's a little embarrassing
How vast my "classic" film blind spot is. My friend and I were going to go through the AV Club's 50 best movies of the decade list, but maybe we'll find a top 50 or 100 movies of all time list to slog our way through. Any recommendations of ones to fill my in on movies older that the 70s?

She wasn't in Black Snake Moan. That was Christina Ricci doing a Brittany Murphy impression.

I would have gone A- for the finale, B+ for the series.


Battlefield Earth
is so bad it is amazing. I could watch it over and over, giggling the whole time.

I liked how that doofy looking guy used the word "train" to talk about his kid instead of teach.

An honest to goodness AV Club inspired wedding reading
My best friend asked me to do a reading at his wedding. And even though he ended up being more of a traditionalist than I expected, he went along with my choice.

I have one-
Blues music.

Cuba Gooding Jr. anyone?
Jerry Mcguire, as awful as I found it notwithstanding, and Boat Trip.

Canard, I like what you have to say and would like to subscribe to your journal.

My dad gave me Indiana Jones and Robert A. Heinlein. And my mom let him.

I'm pretty sure he's in AA.

Hell, Steve over at the Sneeze ate a 15 year old box of Urkel-Os. And he said they were delicious.

I just watched it, jaw agape, wondering what the fuck.

Not satisfied with Morgan
I still think it was Chris that made the phone call.

Cameron Diaz's movie boyfriend!

So fry jockey at a fast food chicken place makes him a former chef?

My favorite-ist dream ever
My freshman year in the dorms I smoked a lot of pot and watched a lot of "Hanging With Mr. Cooper." In my defense, it was on right before The Simpsons. Well, my normal action type of dreaming combined with these latent memories and gave me the greatest dream ever. Mr. Cooper and I were