
Batman pays Alfred $263,000 per year?

Wilco - The Late Greats

No mention of the crazy stupid eyebrows on Dimitri's models?!  They all looked long overdue for a waxing.

No mention of the crazy stupid eyebrows on Dimitri's models?!  They all looked long overdue for a waxing.

Yeah, Miu Miu, or Mew Mew, or some other such nonsense, is actually clothing line.

Yeah, Miu Miu, or Mew Mew, or some other such nonsense, is actually clothing line.

I don't think that look had to be because he upset about killing Bran and Rickon.  I think he just realized that his push for power and respect led him to mutilate, murder and burn two innocent children.  And that makes him a terrible, terrible human being.

But the Medical Examiner was there, so I guess it actually does exist in a child's mind.

I would like to add, even though it's probably waaaaay too late, I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink by Merle Haggard.  That damn sax bit is ridiculously jarring and immediately made me think of this inventory.

I commend and applaud the choice of UHF. 

No mention of the two utterly brilliant Noah lines?  "I'm swimming in my wife's brine" and "I'm ravenous from all the intercourse!"  Not funny typed out, but positively genius coming from Alan Tudyk.

I went to high school with him and was actually pretty chummy with him since we were both theatre nerds and I had the HUGEST crush on him back then.  So I'm going to have to totally agree with you on that.

You definitely should.  And you should check out B-Fest next year.  This year with Best of the Best which really ramped up the audience and then this played second.  That may have been a poor choice, this would normally be the type of movie to play around 2 or 3 in the morning, and all the energy from the first movie

This just played at Northwestern's annual B-Fest at the end of January.  Did that maybe inspire this write-up?

Good lord, the way they all gasped when she came on the runway made me roll my eyes.  It made them all seem like a bunch of total tools.

Someone over there must think so since the gay couple on Modern Family has never once kissed on screen.  (Trust me on this, I just got into the show and have basically powered through two and half seasons in just as many weeks.)

What about the Paul Simon Graceland tour?  For the album's 25th anniversary he's touring with the original musicians.  This is the first time I have ever been willing to shell out a couple hundred bucks for a reunion show.  I used to make fun of the baby boomer types who would pay $250 for the aging Rolling Stones. 

Yeah, that argument in the bar was fantastic. My best friends and I almost got kicked out of our regular haunt for a screaming match over the exact rules of Gin Rummy.

Look at this fucking hispter. www.latfh.com So much goodness and mockery to be had…