
Money for Nothing isn't by Sting.

I agree with an earlier comment that liked how the fast-forwarding of the relationship made it more plausible, but I thought the had some pretty non-existent chemistry during their scene as a couple.

I was really hoping for some answers on the statue, but it was good to know the writers haven't forgotten about it.

Loved, loved, loved Sawyer calling him out for the eyeliner.

A thought
Admittedly, you summed up the Jensen theory pretty simplistically, but if the island created a "soul" for Locke how would he remember his murder?

Live from the Mars Hotel is an excellent intro disc. For intermediate I would recommend Dead Set. To me though, and I admit I haven't heard it in a while, Aoxamoxa is pretty trippy and rambling. Maybe it's something a little more advanced.

I doubt it's Libby. Didn't Michelle Rodriguez tell Hurly she said hi?

I loved the battle re-enactments with hamsters and gerbils. It's how I, a person with a master's in history, imagines all battles in my head. Rodent vs. rodent.

It's got to be a book
Robert Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress."

I liked this episode
quite a bit.

There was another one with J. Peterman from Seinfeld. It also disappeared.

So bizarre
It's not even really for him-it's for "We are the World."

Interracial Hole Strechters 2
She was white.

And so Kring like Khaaaaaaan!

Best ep in ages?
I call bullshit on that statement. (Well, it goes to show how bad the show really is now.) Everything in this episode was crazy predictable and the acting made my ears bleed. They should send Claire for some acting lessons so she learn how to converse without always preaching. This indignant

I really, for real, once saw an ad for Bricks. Not a company that made bricks, not a bricklayer, but the concept of bricks.

I have a burning, enraging, complete and total hatred for that song. When it was topping charts, I worked 8 hour days at a tourist shop that played top 40. I literally heard that song once an hour for the entirety of its "dominance."

I have a burning, enraging, complete and total hatred for that song. When it was topping charts, I worked 8 hour days at a tourist shop that played top 40. I literally heard that song once an hour for the entirety of its "dominance."

I've said it before and I'll say it again
Amy Winehouse is proof of what happens when crackheads become millionaires.