
Love the Twin Peaks
I just these episodes tonight. I love Cooper complimenting the Major to his wife, post-disappearance, as having a Renaissance approach to exploration. And from Cooper, I imagine that meant something.

I thought about saying "perhaps if he had known of my teenage love, he would have thought twice before killing himself."

Jonathen Brandeis
Oh Seaquest DSV.

How about Jericho?
That aborted second season was getting pretty thrilling. And nicely resonant.

I think I figured out what really bugs me about this show
It's all set in Boston. On X-Files you had the same type of freaky ass shit, but it was dispersed all across the country. It sort of made sense that these isolated incidents weren't seen as a pattern by the general public. But in Fringe it's all happening in

Heidi sounds like she's saying Katto, or something similar.

I'm a myspace kinda gal.

Not only is it bad enough this show exists
for un-sober folk to occasionally gape at in horror, but they also put it on DVD. Who plans to spend money on this?

I've been waiting for someone to mention the X-Files episode, complete with the head lady's references to tribal villages and what not.

I just finished watching all of season 3 the other day (gotta love college library ILL for getting me the entire run of the season from all up and down the east coast) and it is damn near perfect.

I was into this show from episode one
I was in high school when it started, and I remember how me, my folks, and my younger brother and I were all eagerly anticipating the premiere and how we all watched it, and all subsequent episodes, together. And my folks aren't really TV watchers. I guess having a family of


She looks
like a goddamn drag queen.

Just a question
When they said it's not an island, did anyone else yell at the screen, "It's a peninsula!"

Having never disabled a bomb I can only assume I rule at it.

And does Frank have to go back too?

Agreed. I get the vibe that he was really fun to talk to as well. And those folks made the best interviews to read.

The Peter Sellers video
made my day.

Now they just need to taste test that bacon vodka I clued them to.