
I like how you guys are so jacked up on sugar still you're commenting on your own article in the middle of the night.

That would be-made me FEEL smart.

The music review question. I pretty much figured the answer, but was still interested in hearing their rationale and opinion.

I feel so special
My question was answered! And I sent it in on Tuesday.

I'm really conflicted
I want David C. to come in second because it would be better for him, but I can't stand the thought of David A. actually winning.

Hey nabin
You got a problem with me?!

I disagree
I really like this album. It's simple and quite lovely.

But the doctor called his real grandmother Mrs. Locke.

Did anyone else
Click here looking for Lost, only to find the screwiest page ever? I can read the entire reviews for the week's TV Club entries, with comments for 30 Rock.

The first lady
Does anyone else think she calls him "President Bush" all the time, even at home when it's just the two of them?

The best thing I can say about this movie is that I didn't hate it. And I was totally planning to, but it just didn't suck enough. (Although the ending really really tried.)

Yeah, it really was.

The sounds like the folks from It's Always Sunny in philadelphia
Only not funny.

I heart this show
This really must be the best job ever. Science, explosions, and general goofing off!

As the aforementioned commentator
I finally feel semi-cool.

Best review of this album
is at thesneeze.com. Steve had his 8 year old son review it.

I voted for Michael. And I don't feel dirty because that performance kicked ass. I'm still partial to Chikezie's "She's A Woman" as my fave of the season, but this one is close.

Bottom 3
Ramiele, Syesha, and Kristy.

Wherever I move my head
That guy on the album cover is looking at me.