
I had liked him so much
But apparently his awful collection was indicative of the future awfulness of his career.

Those goddamn gold shit pills
Make me want to knife rich people through the eye.

Ratatouille trailer
has a broken link.

No pics
I'm dying to see those pictures, but all I have is captions.

Clingy darts
Do you leave them at home and sneak around with the Hot Darts?

Even her all black cat burglar outfit showed cleavage.

Clash of the Choirs
Why don't they just pay the writers already?

That's how I ended up with an obscene amount of Brittany Sears on my computer.

I agree
This song is sweet, but that name makes me shudder just thinking of it.

How about
"Got to Leave chi-town" by Carey and Lurrie Bell?

I think what I liked about the Sideshow Bob bit is how tailored to the family his whole plot was. his commercial appealed to everyone in the family, individually. And the laptop bit wouldn't have worked without Lisa getting all smarty-pants on his ass. He knows that family inside and out, in the way only

Best Simpsons I've seen in years.

How about
Sunshine? That movie really got me. Not only was it stunning to look at, I loved the way the story unfolded and the characters emerged.

I thought Lily and Marshall bought a place. Are they ever going to move in?

Tom jane
Wasn't he the homeless guy/movie star in Arrested Development?

I meant to say the many things my dad and I connect over. I completely messed that one up. We actually get along quite famously. And it still is going to sound cheesy, but listening to the dead together was the first time we started relating as peers instead of father and daughter.

This will get me mocked
but I'm telling the story anyway.

I bet
Cutthroat bitch gets fired.

I'm just concerned Get Smart won't be as great as my sixth grade self remembers. Even though my best memory of it is how psyched my dad was when I started watching it. It was his fave.
