
I love this idea!

That drum kit
made me think of Freaks and Geeks.

They talk about her a lot in Coupling too.

I love
all the bad grammar, copied intact.

Watchman Babies!
Fucking brilliant.

Hot Fuzz?!
You haven't seen Hot Fuzz yet?

Morgan Spurlock
You have his name as a link under the picture. How was he involved?

May I first to say
Yay for covering House!!!

is it as effective while stoned as the TV show is?

Piano porn?

Libertarian is right wing. BTW.

No worries!
They are still together! Remember them toking on the sandwich and the "death letter?"

The audience needs to chill with the boo-ing. How the fuck are their favorite bands supposed to improve without some constructive criticism? There's no mean vibes coming from these judges. Not like Simon who has cogent criticisms, but kind of enjoys pissing off the audience. These judges want to help the bands

The Metal Babies kind of freak me out. There something reminiscent of pedophilia, even if their worshipers are young. And how will the lead singers voice work once he hits puberty?

That's a whole mess of buzzkills.

Now onto the article at hand
The second cartoon vastly improved the music over the first. The war music in the first was a little upbeat, and dare I say it, cartoony for such a dark scene.

People should want to expand their interests and try things out instead of just dismissing them based on their stereotypical assumptions of what it must be like. No one ever know whats going to pique their interest without giving it a look or listen. And they should be eager to try it. It's just a different genre

Yet another reason
Halloween is my favorite time of year.

Yes. First and foremost, they're always in a bar. Second, they have the Seinfeldian/Coupling habit of discussing and naming every type of relationship peccadillo.