
Quantum Leap gave me the fear of suddenly forgetting completely what I'm doing, who I am, what year it is, etc. Of becoming a sort of blank slate - friendless, directionless, void.

Is this a gritty reboot of Penny Crayon, then?

Anyone know how to change the email address connected to a site-specific Disqus account?

"Grounded" is the new "gritty". I mean, the ground is made of grit.

"¡Soy capitán, soy capitán!"

It would never stand up in court.

If you're able, try to listen to the Olsen Twins episode of BBC radio's Tom Tuck Goes Straight to DVD. Its a hilarious primer on the weird career of those two.

Your work filter is getting something right - it apparently doesn't class A7X as "music".

Some reason = Joey Lauren Adams?

My local mall gets filled up on Friday and Saturday nights by rollerblading teens. They're really good, rolling along backwards at breakneck speeds, weaving in and out of nervy shoppers with their last-minute purchases.

All I remember about this show is there was a lead character called Sara Sidle who became suicidal.

For all the alt.punk tatts, she's got an oddly prim pose in that photo. Like she's about to conduct a rehearsal of a junior Sunday school choir.

So, where is it? Not here

…and the part where the space elevator is blown up and the cables wrap themselves round the planet 3 times.

Rexual Healing

Sorry, do you mean Untitled WB Event Film (2018) or Untitled WB Event Film (2020)?

But now "Guardians of the Galaxy" has been a success, they're sure to try something goofy too.

None of these video clips is as funny as the musical sting that they open with.

2001: A Space Odyssey nailled the iPad-type tablet computer, though I think theirs was made about a decade early and by IBM. And on a massive nuclear-powered manned spaceship to Jupiter or wherever.