
Also the captain's (Guy Gibson?) Black Labrador in The Dambusters.

I want to participate in this pun thread, but I can't find a related ankle (angle).

British tabloidese, a likable fat person is "roly-poly". A fat comedian is a " roly-poly funnyman".

So, the solution to Andrea Battleground's scenario is as follows. Before the band comes on, stand immediately behind someone tall - making sure you can't see anything. When the musicians come on stage … everyone in the crowd will move and you'll probably end up with a clear line of sight.

I visited Cuba in 2001, and was surprised to learn that they'd only seen movies made by their own government *and* "Ali G In Da House".

Also, the way he's lashed to that frame with gaffer tape means that he doesn't drop to the ground… so they keep shooting.

NME and the BBC are both reporting that Morrissey is preparing to appear in never-popular agricultural radio soap-opera, The Archers. That is all.

The show also doesn't understand what patents are. Common mistake I guess, but they might have googled it before making it part of their final ep's big reveal.

Everything I know about those videos I learned from this half hour of radio stand up called "Tom Tuck goes straight to DVD". The episode about Steven Segall is also "have to stop ironing, am laughing too much."

I though it was odd that they called the owner of Buckingham Palace "the Queen of England", since that gracious lady is also the Queen of Jamaica.

Stationery makes a difference. I got a note through the front door, handwritten, advertising housecleaning services. "No job too small". Phone number given twice. And it was written on a betting slip.

Eco is on the record as saying that he thinks of Dan Brown as a minor character from Foucault's Pendulum.

I seem to remember the Vatican came up with a pretty clever line about TDVC mania. They put out a statement along the lines of "we welcome the public's new-found interest in church history, and hope they will continue their reading in the Non-Fiction Section".

Also, in The Andromeda Strain, where they're exploring the dead town. When someone looks into a window, the split screen shows what he can see inside.