
The "nominate the last race's second place finisher" tradition is based on the not entirely unreasonable fact that until recently the second place finisher has already demonstrated the ability to mobilize a sizable group of political operatives, and the large numbers of donors they can corral, in support of their

The "let's show Kilgrave what being a hero is like" seemed like a narrative dead-end until they got back to the house and he busted out with, "did you see the look of awe and gratitude on her face?" Anywhere else it might be a "psychopath catches a glimmer of human connection" moment, but Tennant really lets us see

I thank you for the compliment, although I'm not sure there's an entire newsletter's worth of material to be had from, "Seriously, what exactly is the point of this flavorless 'beverage?'"

That's fine if it's something as meaningless as a Republican candidate spouting off about the Supreme Court or the Holocaust, but when we're talking about something as important to the country as the right way to serve our liquor…

Maybe, but he was just being silly with the whole Bond thing. Bond drinks "vodka martinis," which is a euphemism for vaguely vermouth-scented high-test tap water, so who the hell cares whether it's watered down or not? Martinis are made with gin.

The chicken replaced Homer at the power plant during his career as a Grammy Award winning barbershop quartet member. The picture implies that the guy coming up with NBC show concepts has been similarly replaced. And I find your lack of Simpsons references disturbing.

Republicans don't evade taxes, they buy Congressmen to write laws making poor people pay taxes for them.

Another gloomy Macbeth trailer? When will America get the upbeat Broadway-style musical Macbeth adaptation it needs and deserves?

I actually just figured that the heir of a pharmaceutical magnate talking about an aerobics TV show I had made for Italian television was shorthand for the kind of professional and lifestyle choices we're talking about here.

My dad had actually cut me off years earlier because of my professional and lifestyle choices.

I, too, wonder why the creators of Full House authorized Lifetime to make The Unauthorized Full House Story. What were they thinking when they authorized it? Could it be possible that the makers of The Unauthorized Full House Story proceeded without authorization? The world may never know.

And the approving comments to his foundation manager/hideous smut supplier about the child pornography involving children as young as eight. And the child pornography involving twelve year olds he'd actually met.

"Alright guys, who the hell changed my byline to 'Oedipus Dowd'? C-minus, assholes! C-fuckin-minus!!"

Which is bad enough, even before you remember that the Lobbyist Allies can each compel a pack of 3d4 Congressional Minions. Then you've got your MegaDonor Overlords, with the psionic ability Platform Control, and…ah, fuck it; this is too depressing. If anybody needs me I'll be hiding in my room with a case of

Sounds impressive, until you realize that they do zero damage vs. Republican Candidates. Even the Artifact Colbert's Stick of Exceptional Shaming does no damage, although a critical hit roll will leave John Kasich mildly embarrassed.

The King James wasn't translated from the Vulgate. In fact, the King James translators were some of the earliest Christian translators to make use of rabbinic commentators to translate the Hebrew, although they sometimes favored translations of ambiguous or disputed passages that favored a Christological

Don't be silly. Everyone knows that the Koran is the ill-advised but obligatory dark-and-gritty reboot, while The Book of Mormon was Tommy Wiseau's web series sequel to The Bible: TOS.

"Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Waters without walls or a roof is honestly stupid!" "The Mona Lisa without paint is basically absurd!" "The novel Fifty Shades of Grey without printers ink is significantly improved!"

As opposed to all the other folks in the AV Club comments?

"Grandpappy, how come this says United 'Sates' of America on it?" "That's how you know it's real money, boy, made by Job Creators. Not that worthless gub'ment 'legal tender' crap!"