
I don't know. Real money's only based on the level of economic activity a nation's productive capacity can sustain. Bitcoin's value is based on the level of the gullibility of those people on the internet convinced that they're the only ones smart enough to really appreciate the brilliance of Ayn Rand. So send me all

Two decades will do that to you.

You should never be ashamed of liking stuff that everybody else doesn't like. You should only be ashamed of liking stuff that I don't like.


Broderick's character thought he was breaking into a gaming software developer's mainframe to steal the latest games before release, hence the confusion in the review. The character never thought Joshua was a person.

Contrary to popular myth, obscenity isn't a matter of personal opinion. It is a matter of community standards. Yes, there is an element of the arbitrary, and there is a gray area where political and artistic expression need to be taken into account, but for the most part there is a clear and overwhelming consensus for

A bakery is required to serve members of the KKK, and they should be. Even reprehensible scum are members of the public. Although the baker might be entitled to refuse to make a cake with swastika decorations and such on the grounds that they refuse to sell obscene or inflammatory material.

If they want to offer goods or services to only certain types of people, they can: all they have to do is form a private club and sell only to members who have applied and met the the clearly stated membership requirements. It's perfectly legal to have a private club that accepts no gays, or no blacks, or even no

Couple of years ago I was walking past a local bar/nightclub when I see this old guy being interviewed by a reporter from the local paper and thought, "This guy looks vaguely familiar." Then I see a sign on the door for "An Evening With Henry Hill (from Goodfellas)". This was a short while after he was in the news for

I agree with you that that's a flaw in Paltrow's performance. That's one of the reasons I think Clueless is such a great Austen adaptation.

Although she's not lovable in the way other Austen characters are, I actually find Fanny to be the most psychologically interesting of her heroines. I consider Mansfield Park the most fascinating of Austen's novels because I suspect she actually meant it to be distinctly unsettling.

I may have come on more strongly than I intended; I love arguing Austen and my enthusiasm sometimes gets the better of me. I'm grateful you've taken up my challenge.

Um…no. A reading of Emma, or any Austen for that matter, that sees such a reversal of character is just off. Her lively self-confidence, however misapplied, is Emma's most delightful characteristic. A plot that saw her lose that would be unbearably bland and disappointing. Austen characters aren't reformed, they're

I'm going to disagree with you on the question of Pride and Prejudice adaptations, but only because you're completely wrong. (Sorry.)

Really? This is the Austen adaptation you're going to go with? Don't get me wrong: I like Paltrow well enough (as an actor; as a celebrity personality she leaves me befuddled more than anything), and this is a serviceable if hardly inspired staging of the book. But the Emma Thompson/Ang Lee Sense and Sensibility is

A petard is a bomb used by a medieval engineer to break down the gates and fortifications of a castle. The phrase "hoist on his own petard" is from Hamlet, neatly combining British understatement and Shakespearean bloody-mindedness to describe an engineer being blown skyward in numerous gory pieces.

"Pfffftt, I can do a better job with this material than this—" (squints at BluRay case) "—Albert Hickock guy."

Onion, belt, style at the time…you all know the drill.

Gather 'round, children, and I'll tell you stories from the olden days. Back then, the Discovery Channel was 'bout scientific discovery. Then it became 'bout people doin' stupid stuff to get on the TV. Now, o'course, it's 'bout people tryin' to do stupid stuff, failin', and gettin' on the TV anyways.