
Because of that gypsy curse?

Grab me an Adam Lanza while you're there.

Give minutes 61-65 a try.

Jason Mantzoukas is gonna be piiiiiiissed.

I imagine her misadventures with Jimmy catch up with her, she quits the law and becomes so despondent that she spends all her money on a ton of plastic surgery and changes her name to Wendy.

That was some great Odenkirk yelling all right.

If you only know the same three J. Geils songs as everyone else go listen to 'Monkey Island'.

I am officially no longer 'pleasantly surprised' that this show is so entertaining.

I assure you, this episode rarely intersects with reality.

Hard Nation was great this week with Jon Daly as Rudy Giuliani.

Even Werner Herzog would find that ending a bit dark.

In hindsight having watched and listened to so much of Andy's work I don't know why I expected anything else.

I was sort of hoping the Shadow King would manifest for Oliver as Brett.

That'll put him on the couch.

Realistically this episode should have just been everyone running around in a panic yelling "Where's H.R.?!". That's how it played out where I was. Anyone else think he was really gone to machinate secret plans for the finale?

When Amy says she wants to get in touch with her husband she mentions E-mail. That's what threw me for a loop the most from this episode.

I don't mind Armen either but it says something that that is a statement that needs to be 'disclosed'.

Hubbard is clearly a major influence on many of Andy's original characters. Bizarre religious beliefs that are probably a con, overly elaborate criminal endeavors, unsettling sexual practices, a completely self-involved view of the world and, for Christ's sake, the guy had a boat out on international waters so he

I'm 50/50 on whether Grant is actually paralyzed.

Three days after you die does someone have to pull you out and blow on your connectors? Cause I ain't doing that.