
Sydney looks like Britta and I keep expecting her to fuck everything up because of it.

You mean Cheeto the Barf-Aryan.

It would have been easier if he just went up to a music store, shouted "I'm in Nickelback!" and waited for them to throw $25,000 worth of things at him.

Jesse calling out her father's obvious bullshit immediately(and stopping a terrible plotline) pushed my opinion of her up a few places.

Is it possible he just meant she couldn't be in there while he was cleaning? "Dangerous chemicals, kid! Keep out!"

Don't forget:

"I rule Gorilla City now! The gorillas follow me!"

"If it is not in our archives…. it does not exist!" Way to go Wikipedia, you're becoming the worst Star Wars movie.

So the bad guy will be a giant circus peanut that just goes around America whizzing on everything?

No, he's a man doing a handstand's Benson.

My biggest problem with this show is the total lack of episodic arcs. It just feels like a bunch of crap getting thrown on screen to kill time until a big reveal.
If there were any competence behind the camera they would've kept Doreen after watching the first episodes and killed skinny-tumor-shakes instead. If her

"Have you ever masturbated in the study room?"
I'm just glad we didn't get a 'Changsturbation' joke.

Likelyhood of accuracy in the show's archaeology: -45%

One word: Bumju

Gah! I tell ya, you miss one episode…

Did Axl's buddy even get a name? He needs a name. Nice to see Axl in a friend dynamic with someone besides Sean and Darrin. Also, bring back Sean and Darrin!

Put! The coffee! Down! Coffee is for people who mention the Avengers!

"You know how all of you suspected me of being a mole? You were right! And here's a random dude from Rising Tide to disillusion me and let me show you where my heart really is! Also, here's a very contrived, sympathetic and harmless reason for me to have done all of this. So I just get parole for a while?

Uh, duh-doi!

Bonham doesn't get a nod either? Philistines. Long live the Patent British Exploding Drummer!