
Just end it, man. We won't judge you.

When the titlecard appeared I initially read 'Fixed' as a different word entirely.

"I will now show you how serious we are about our ultra-secret conspiracy! Please go somewhere people won't overhear what I'm saying and doing- No! Scratch that! Stay out in public! Also don't record this. Also don't be in a country where we all know the NSA is spying on communications of 'sensitive' 'at risk' people,

Maybe they shot the whole season before deciding to add the weaseling out scene to the first episode.
Ooh! What if they do that with Tate Donovan next episode? "He's dead… Nah, he's in the other room perfectly fine!" Then he never shows up again and occasionally the family looks at his picture and cries.

It could be interesting if they allow her to stay amnesiac for a while and show her dealing with the North/South conflict stripped of personal attachments.

Whatever you do, I won't fight back.

The Heck's on the couch miserably eating their tuna and cheese potatoes was a great counterpoint to Frankie's ever optimistic end of show voice over.

So the Eagletonians are definetely going to steal Pawnee's money and secede again, right?

Can't wait for Gregg to start doing spots for the Tahitian Tourism Board.

Could be a Whedon thing. Buffy fights were always sort of claustrophobic.

But does Rising Tide know Coulson is using Skye to get to them and using her to feed him misinformation?

Better, not perfect.

Barney Miller et al

It was Guam! He must never learn the awful truth of where he recovered!

Coulson feels off character- too playful. None- NONE!- of the main characters makes me want to root for them. If anything, they come across as arrogant, bullying pricks.

I have no idea how seriously to take anything in these articles anymore.

Dylan McDermott. It's spelled Dylan McDermott.

So is this thing gonna turn into 'The Ref' the series?

That scenario is far too coherent for this show.

That picture of the kids passively gazing off screen in bland annoyed/scared confusion is the perfect encapsulation of this episode.