
Break the egg and you all fail 7th grade home economics!

The dome is one giant Idiot Ball no one can escape. Brilliant!

"I have taken this emotionally traumatizing form to comfort you. Do you feel comfortable now? No? Tough. Don't worry, though. We put you in a dome to save you! How? Oh, you'll see. Even though I'm clearly able and willing to communcate with you now and claim to have your best interests at heart I choose to be

He appears to be Newhart's suitcase Ironman suit caddy.

Previously we had been able to assume Linda might be getting marginally well written as a by-the-book out of her depths deputy doing her best after getting forced into a situation that would tax a seasoned pro. Now we know better.

It doesn't help that that scene begins with a tight shot of the thing and everyone looking at it. Maybe it was some tiny set dressing rebellion. 'Sorry for all the stupid, folks. We just build the sets.'

To paraphrase Michael Shermer, smart people believe weird things for the same reasons everyone else does. The beliefs serve an emotional need not an intellectual one.

Next week is the finale and you know what would be hilarious? Sunday Hank gets gunned down by uncle Jack and company; Monday Big Jim gets pin cushioned by those no good teenagers.

Louise down in personnel. She's such a gossip.

When I watch this show I feel like I'm disrespecting ten o'clocks on Mondays.

Wouldn't it be great if in universe everyone outside the dome had stopped paying attention to it because it was so boring?

On his 'Get Barbie' broadcast Big Jim says people knew Max as a helpful business woman, but wouldn't most of the town know her as the crazy bitch running the fight club/sinatorium at the cement factory?

It ran out of logic too.

Nothing in this show is a 'Maine thing'. Well, it's on Earth and people live here and things occur. That's about it.

Linda goes by the book


Actually, I'd say this was a better than average episode.

Maine does not have a death penalty. The worst punishment Jim could give Barbie is getting tossed in a lighthouse crawling with gators.

So they took a coherent logical storyline and interesting layered characters and buried them in the woods where no one will ever get to them. This explains so much.

Even cancelled this show is better than most of the other crap on TV.