
Chester's Mill is the hydra of nameless goons. Kill four in a fight over a well and next week you've a dozen hanging around the cement factory. And with this town's murder rate it will look like Calcutta by Autumn.

"You're under arrest for being a drug kingpin!"

I just want him to show up and start eating people.

She got knocked up by the Dome in its teenage greaser days.

She's been assimilated into a three headed exposkeaking plot pusher.

Whatever they decide, he'd turn out to be the other. I belive the principle is known as Schroedinger's Lolcat.

Also, why wouldn't they get rid of her immediately? She is offering them nothing, just barging in and making threats.

Holy crap this episode was a headslapper.

I was sure Hank had her wired in that scene.

I for one was shocked when Junior revealed he was faking his fake fakeout-fakeout. Shocked.

I think he's competing in Syfy's 'Heroes of Cosplay'.

Why should we remember Pearl Harbor? That movie was terrible!

I loved the out-of-touch advertising for this episode

"Let's run the entire season at 9:00 then show the finale at 8:30 for absolutely no godamn reason!"

At first I thought she was blowing her nose in it.


If a grown man can no longer watch a tv show about ballerinas it's a little less gay today.

Now let's all feel REALLY sad

I want to do this to ABC Family:

I hope they got King for this mess.