
Everyone cover your pussy!

'Bloviating' is not a word. Please discontinue its use immediately.

How many people scanned the article's title and momentarily thought Bill Maher jizzed on some guy?

Hell of a time to realize being smothered to death in volcanic ash is your kink.

5-to-1 they defend themselves by saying ISIS would have destroyed the stuff if they hadn't stolen it.

Remember a year ago if someone did some stupid shit like this we'd all just go 'What a fucking idiot!' and it wouldn't be a terrifying indictment of a cancerous failing in our nation's core? Good times.

Lighten up, Morrissey.

It's not that kind of show.

Bah! This is just more obvious trolling from those Oxford comma assholes!

Does he mention that he cries?

It is feeling more and more like the premise of Fargo as a series is the slow degeneracy of police competence over the last forty years.

Think it might be a Jacob's Ladder situation?

Is it too early to demand a prequal series for Nacho?

My big take-away is the astonishing news that Stacy Keach is still alive.

A Trump presidency?

I was suddenly struck with the notion that Yuria is the real villain and Varga is just another patsy.


Maybe someone knows a guy to help him relocate.

Is 'birth-control' what you call your urine?

That just makes it worse.