
'everyone he likes is trapped INSIDE the dome'

Also, it cuts right into a lake and should be bobbing along as the dirt inside rolls around crumbling into a moist heap which is then used to produce scripts for CBS's 'Under The Dome'.

It's mostly just boring.

I feel like the point of that scene was to intentionally undermine her authority and competence (not that there was much to begin with). It is honestly the only way it makes any sense.


What if you stood up and angrily shook your fist?

The best part of this episode was when one of their boring, go nowhere talkie scenes switches to Angie getting soaked and screaming for LITERALLY THREE SECONDS then straight back to somnolent hospital corridor walking. Brilliant.

The first six months I watched this show I thought his name was Vincent.

And throw in some acting, writing and direction nominations while you're at it.

The one critic I wouldn't mind hearing about getting beat up by Uwe Boll.

"and why am I writing about a minor plot point in a series that is going down the drain?"

WHEN are we going to meet this 'Chester' character and see his mill? Talk about burying the lead.

CBS- Maybe Quality Was The Wrong Word.

"Sometimes I wonder if life is just a meaningless joke and death is the punchline"
- Honest Stan


Quisling? He betrays Norway to Nazi Zombies?

I can't picture that! You're dumb!

"I have riden the mighty moon worm!" -Al Gore

"The show's found it's stride again! Cancel it!"

Glorious sunset of my heart was fading. Soon the super karate monkey death car would park in my space. But Jimmy has fancy plans, and pants to match.