
I think maybe Susie Lewis is the woman, the owner of the Tennessee Titans or one of her siblings…Susie Lewis is a blond, bigger woman. Basically the Titans are owned by a bunch of siblings who inherited from their father.

I actually thought this one was a step backwards for the series. It's kind of frustrating to see Kimmy and Titus grow as better people in the last two episodes only to see them return to terrible people in this one. What redeems is slightly is the return of Mikey, who puts Titus at least down a peg with his relatively

I've watched San Junipero three times. It actually is even better on repeat watches because you sort of see how the whole thing is formed. Once you understand the end, the way the characters build at the beginning has a new thematic meaning.

I think there is a lot of rich thematic material here. Ultimately, I think the thesis is something like "Who gets to judge our morality?" Is it the Twitter hive mind? The government? The police? A single individual who judges the entire system? Ultimately, this episode is works because it is both critical and

We have to keep in mind that essentially San Junipero is showing us a future at about 2027 or so (maybe give or take a few years). Because Yorkie becomes paraplegic at age 21, which the show says was about 40 years ago. Since she goes back to 1987, we can assume that was about the time she had her accident. The

There is something very appropriate about the villain. Sort of reminds me of like gamer-gate combined with anonymous or something. I like that there is a manifesto and that his motive involves being rejected by a woman. I think that its appropriate that two women are the ones that get closest to thwarting him as

The music choices were perfect on every level, thematically, emotionally, to connote the eras. Even the snippets of lyrics we hear. "All you got is this moment. The 21st century's yesterday," from "Need you Tonight."

I think it follows its own rules well. It maybe doesn't make sense to us that you can't switch eras in a session, but that rule is consistent throughout.

Oh man..this left me bawling. I was too vulnerable to this story. Couldn't stop thinking of my fiancee who died too young. There's something in this story too about how we remember those who have passed…the vision of them in your memory that leans towards idealism and nostalgia instead of realism.

I love silly puns and goofy humor so it completely works for me. They tried to do an American version last Christmas with Nia Vardolos and Ian Gomez and they were not as good in my opinion. Their jokes seemed to be a lot more "written," I guess and they were not as encouraging and Mel and Sue. But I can totally see

Yeah it's unfortunate that a small contingent was so negative. I love how multicultural the show is in showing so many cultures doing something so British, but still adding their cultural spins on it.

Love British Baking Show…love how it is so British and yet also so multicultural. Mel and Sue are also always so upbeat, hilarious and positive…always finding good humor and comforting words in baking challenges.

The really liked how they used ties in this episode. Mike's dad putting his on but too tightly. Jonathan struggling to knot his tie, even though we later see his dad with a tie on. This show does such great characterization with everyday routines.

I was kind of thinking that Mr. Clarke would end up a cool, gay teacher. I had one such teacher in 6th grade English. But the more I thought about it, the more I realize that probably wouldn't fly in 80s Indiana (at least him being out).

So what does everyone think is going to happen to Michael next week? It wouldn't be a telenovela if there wasn't some crazy big plot action. My prediction is that Michael will seemingly be killed, but will really only be missing or suffer from amnesia so he doesn't remember Jane or Sin Rostro. My hope is that Jane and

I knew he had diabetes, but you always hope that he could stay healthy. That disease is how my dad died…fuck you diabetes!

Or Frank needed to "go" kill Mahoney. The "two of them did this" most likely refers to Frank and Mahoney not Sam since she was talking about her dead son.

I caught the forth Great British Bake Off on Netflix over the weekend…it's definitely a much better show, and especially with as you noticed, the hosts. Sue and Mel just feel a lot more real and that they have real relationships with the contestants. There has been more than one time where they have helped a

Such a good episode and another wonderful performance by Gina Rodriguez. I'll admit I am not familiar with The Comeback or Grace & Frankie, but were Lily Tomlin's and Lisa Kudrow's performances anywhere near as nuanced, heartbreaking and just beautiful as what Gina does in this show? I'll just keep saying to myself

That was my favorite too….in general I love the absurd explanations for valid questions. Lindsey's scene where she talks about her time back at the office. "What office?" "Uh…Officer Jones." And everyone just accepts that explanation.