
There was an interview awhile back where Kanye (or someone close to him, I can't remember) explained that while he was aware that everyone voting on these awards was out of touch, he viewed this as a challenge. He's not content just to make music that reviewers like, he was wants to make music reviewers like but ALSO

@avclub-fe858281188f10005605ea7b1dd0bf7f:disqus I don't think people really understand how hard it is to get radio play and how important radio play still is. I'm not trying to knock them for working with Warner, I'm just saying that they did not achieve their success completely on their own, they still had to rely on

@avclub-3c23902822283144c09d87f123545c87:disqus  As much as I like fake SAT questions, you're missing the point. ElDan referenced a Louis CK bit and said "This is basically the same situation." Unfortunately ElDan left out the important part of the bit that said "Two guys are in love but they can't get married because

Yeah, it's definitely a human rights issue that Macklemore be able to tell a dated crude joke to a bunch of 10 year olds…

"Also, its 100% independent.  No major label backing."

I know you meant that as an insult but The Monkees are awesome so…

Does it really need a different catch phrase? I think "Fuck You, The Killing" is more versatile than people realize and could be used for all sorts of shows.

I think you guys are dismissing the vote tampering too easily. That one box may not have swung the election but it's not clear how many boxes were dropped by the campaign.

Why is this whole thing written as if A.V. Club the entity was there when it was really just Marah?

I completely disagree with the shuffling rotation idea. I love it in theory but I don't think that it's a coincidence that it took both Fallon and Conan a year to figure out how to put out a decent show. Weekly guest hosts are one thing but if someone is actually going to host for an extended period of time they need

I know this is kind of useless information but it isn't quite right to call Snakes on a Plane a bomb. It ended up grossing twice its budget. I guess this was before we really figured out that internet buzz didn't necessarily translate to real life money but it still doesn't make it a bomb.

For a movie that so clearly full of nationalist bullshit it's amazing that the only competent person is the one with the Scottish accent. But yeah, I saw it last night and can confirm that is as bad/good as you're imaging.

I have plenty of great festival memories (high fiving Kanye might be the top) but the one that I will remember the most is the one that didn't happen, Lollapalooza 2004. I was 16 and it was right when I was starting to get into good music. Apparently few other people cared because they cancelled it due to low ticket

HAA isn't very good but it's hard to call an album that led to one of the most successful tours ever a flop…

I can't claim to have any serious relationship with TMV after Deloused but I'm constantly amused that almost none of their fans agree on what their other best albums are. I've heard people go to bat for every single one of those albums at different times. In my mind Bedlam at Goliath is the only one worth listening to

The two minute sample of the single that was floating around yesterday was absolutely bonkers. I can't wait for this and the possibility of actually seeing them live.

The two minute sample of the single that was floating around yesterday was absolutely bonkers. I can't wait for this and the possibility of actually seeing them live.

@avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus Don't forget that Frank banged her as well when she wanted to get back at Dennis

@avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus Don't forget that Frank banged her as well when she wanted to get back at Dennis

They've done it in years past and I think it's a good way of dealing with stuff they missed earlier. It is a little silly to look to the review section and see 75% A's because the stuff they usually catch up on is all highly regarded but that's a minor quibble.