
They've done it in years past and I think it's a good way of dealing with stuff they missed earlier. It is a little silly to look to the review section and see 75% A's because the stuff they usually catch up on is all highly regarded but that's a minor quibble.

Artists get pegged as one hit wonders after their first single all of the time. It definitely happened to Radiohead and Beck back in the day even though both of them went on to have great careers. My only point was that Radiohead's had such a weird career that it's kind of silly to say anyone is the new Radiohead.

Artists get pegged as one hit wonders after their first single all of the time. It definitely happened to Radiohead and Beck back in the day even though both of them went on to have great careers. My only point was that Radiohead's had such a weird career that it's kind of silly to say anyone is the new Radiohead.

I'll join Phil in the minority here but I thought this episode was pretty terrible.

I'll join Phil in the minority here but I thought this episode was pretty terrible.

What does being the new Radiohead even really mean? Does it mean you start as a 1 hit wonder, transition into being a U2 cover band, and then eventually get a little weird? Or does it just mean you sound like Kid A?

What does being the new Radiohead even really mean? Does it mean you start as a 1 hit wonder, transition into being a U2 cover band, and then eventually get a little weird? Or does it just mean you sound like Kid A?

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus if a cd is referred to as a mixtape because it's available for free, how are you criticizing someone for not listening a non-mixtape for free? This seems like incredibly circular logic. The whole distinction between album and mixtape is mostly useless these days.

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus if a cd is referred to as a mixtape because it's available for free, how are you criticizing someone for not listening a non-mixtape for free? This seems like incredibly circular logic. The whole distinction between album and mixtape is mostly useless these days.

Even though Sinistar should be mocked for having terrible taste, they are talking about buying the second album not the first. "that footage song" is presumably I've Seen Footage which is on The Money Store, not Ex-Military.

Even though Sinistar should be mocked for having terrible taste, they are talking about buying the second album not the first. "that footage song" is presumably I've Seen Footage which is on The Money Store, not Ex-Military.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find out there aren't tons of people commenting on this.

I'm shocked, SHOCKED, to find out there aren't tons of people commenting on this.

I don't even really know what else it could  be. Boogie Nights?

I don't even really know what else it could  be. Boogie Nights?

I can confirm that their live album from this year is stellar and all the reports from the last two years have been stellar. I'm going to the show on Friday as well and couldn't be more excited.

I can confirm that their live album from this year is stellar and all the reports from the last two years have been stellar. I'm going to the show on Friday as well and couldn't be more excited.

half of the appeal of the original for me was all of the british sexual slang that I only halfway understood

half of the appeal of the original for me was all of the british sexual slang that I only halfway understood

No, there's literally dozens of us…ok probably like 5 actually