
I love that this was posted at exactly 12:00 am on April 2nd. If it'd been posted a single minute earlier I'd be 100% certain it was an April Fool's joke.

User scores on metacritic are largely useless but I understand your point. I'd agree with what you're saying in how it compares to Camp but I think the problem is that Camp was scored way too high and BTI is just about right. It's a significant improvement on Camp but it's still an album that is flawed in very

I find it really funny that this episode causes the most confusion because I think it's the one where Brooker's viewpoint is the most clear.


I'm all for criticisms of this episode because I think a lot of it really didn't work but I don't know how you can review it without mentioning that line. It's easily the most clear thesis statement in the whole series.

Even ignoring the violence requirement, there was no crime. The suspect was pulled over for no reason (as far as we knew) and the presence of the DA in the car implied that their plan from the very beginning was to stop him in order to get the DNA. The cops then lied to him about what they were doing in order to get

As much as I love seeing the show get super geeky about the law, I was more annoyed by how unlikely it is that a judge would have allowed that DNA collection. That case would be thrown out in 5 minutes.

God, the instant that gallows showed up you knew exactly how the season was going to end….fucking dome…

Weird to see my hometown of Tumwater referenced anywhere for any reason…

@avclub-ce6b16ea4102dc4408c8dc202e7336c0:disqus  "I actually found it to be more mean-spirited than many of its contemporaries."

I'm kind of a Haneke fanboy but I absolutely love this movie. It definitely beats you over the head with it's message but I think it's a lot smarter than detractors give it credit for.

When you stop treating Donnie Darko like a serious piece of capital A Art like people do in high school it's definitely a really fun movie. The time travel stuff is mostly bullshit but it's pretty great as a movie about high school.

I imagine they're going to keep posting it until people stop posting David Lowery's disingenuous rant.

Jon Caramanica is one of the best rap writers around. It's weird to think of the NYT's as a legit source of rap coverage but if his name is on it, it's worth reading.

@avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus @avclub-bc476393a92222ae842903c5ace5f0af:disqus I thought it'd be better cause some people don't like the vocoder section at the end (which I love) but I didn't realize it was censored and it cut off the last verse completely. Watch this one instead

It's ok, we're all in agreement about The Dark Knight, I just meant that that fervor that people share comes from the same place I guess. All of the Lights is one of Kanye's best tracks sonically but it's also kind of unique in the way that he's telling a fictional story. Most of his tracks aren't necessarily

@avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus I'm not thrilled with the comparison but I think people view Kanye the way you're saying people view The Dark Knight. He does stand out as someone in the genre who works within its constraints but is constantly pushing at them and wants to be something more than just

@avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus I don't know what to really say if you don't think he spins compelling art out of it. I find everything he does to be unbelievably compelling. His artistic restlessness is unparalleled and he's done more to define hip hop in the last 10 years than any other artist. I've

I agree with most of what you're saying, mainly I've assumed the disconnect in perception comes from the way that Kanye wears his flaws on his sleeve. His fans love him because he celebrates his flaws and contradictions, not because they're correct but because they exist. As far as pop stars go, there are very few
