Al Capwne

"the right to lick the foreheads of our lesser founding fathers."

I call them the "Gesta-polos"

Of course there would be an asshole in a Tebow jersey waiting in line for this nonsense.

no need to be a sch-dick about it, bucko.

*puts face in entire pile of Coke Classic*

I got a Tom Hardy notification for this?

Is dis wha it's all abouh mahn?

I feel alright ALLRIGHT!


I will, but first I have to feed my tamogotchi.

*smiles politely*



"You guys want to see how I would have done my favorite scene from the Godfather?"

"Son of a bitch must pay."

I am going to need a rulebook to understand your last two comments on this.

Not surprised.

Make English Confusing Again


This is why I hate unions.