
Wall Street was good. I've always thought Platoon was very overrated.

Apparently he failed to learn his lesson.

Affiant sayeth that was pretty funny.

This cheesy film blurs the line between fromage and Kraft!

Might be just the thing for post-season finale withdrawal.

Bad '80s hair: One bit of period accuracy I'm definitely glad they decided to eschew.

I was waiting for Philip to do the "Ok, I guess I'll get into this" thing that usually happens in a scene like that, but it never happened.

ha ha!

I completely agree about the garage scene. Here she probably thought Paige would be intrigued (and impressed) to begin learning about Elizabeth's "real" life, but Paige seems to have dashed all of that with one dismissive sentence. Elizabeth has always mistakenly believed that Paige needed to know "who she really

If Anton is Ivan Denisovich, then Nina is definitely the spoon.

That scene was just for Scrawler.

Neal really handled that scene like a boss.

I know those podcasts are out there, but I've hesitated to listen to them just because I generally like to avoid over-saturating myself with info about shows I watch. That said, I might have to check them out. This show warrants it, I think.

It's possible the last thought that goes thru my head before I die will be, "Wash and go - Pert Plus!" Damn that anonymous jingle writer!!

Those huge stacks of paper were hilarious.

The shot of the license plate during the zoom…"Virginia"…Elizabeth's innocence lost, Paige's still intact - for now. So good.

Mr. Goodbar, to the front desk…

Possibly tops on the list of songs that don't need to be longer than fifteen seconds.

I can't watch a man rap a song.

Who is making "the argument that kids love tournaments, so ALL is justified?" Certainly not me.