Gustav Gadon

It's actually the other way around. The later scholars identify Sarah with Milcah, who is identified as his niece. Marrying one's half-sister or niece was not seen as incest at the time. The bible, in the original, does not strictly 'say so'. The later translations, as @avclub-c98389ee0e2ffdf95aee68056eca9a37:disqus

And that's what I was referring to, thanks for the reminder. It was later scholars that identified Sarah with Iscah, but that's an interpretation. You can look up the various twists and turns the church took on the identity of Mary Magdalene for a similar back-and-forth in the new testament.

I'm a little fuzzy on the details, I must admit, but I don't think they were half-siblings. Abraham's father was Terach (sp? - I'm going on the original Hebrew). Sarah's father is not given in the bible, but according to later commentators she was daughter of Haran, which was Abraham's brother. So she may have been

Sarah is not Abraham's sister. They posed as siblings in Egypt because he was afraid the Egyptians would kill him out of jealousy were they to know they're married.

I loved this movie when it was called Venus and starred Peter O'toole.

I considered the Apple first. But SPLHCB gets bonus points for taking sublime material and just dragging it through some mediocre shit for 90-odd minutes.

I'm sure people will come up with better answers, but I still can't shake the abomination that is 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' out of my retinas. It is just god awful.

Is that a mistake? I always thought it was a great piece of dialogue to convey how distressed he was.

Actually, the only ironic thing about the song is that none of the situations are actually ironic, thus making the title 'Ironic" ironic.

As my mom used to say: 'one day, son, you're gonna make a nice, blind, Jewish girl very happy.'

YES!! Glad to see someone pointing this out. This is basically the comedic version of Taxi Driver. Maybe unusual for Scorcese/DeNiro on the surface, but plays in to the themes of their earlier collaboration.

Two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong.

'Dark Back of Time' is absolutely phenomenal. It's unlike anything I've ever read - a total mind fuck of metafiction while also very emotional and resonant.
'The Man of Feeling' is smaller, but also a very lovely book.

Off the top of my head - Looper

The A.V. Club
About the tits

It's like people quoting the most horrible of Shakespeare characters as 'wisdom from Shakespeare' - 'to thine own self be true', or, my favorite 'put money in thy purse.'

*ahem* Gulliver's Travels *ahem*

As a professional musicians I can assure you he was terrible. It's nice the show didn't over do it like other comedies might - he didn't create a total cacophony - and for a second there it seemed like he'd be ok, but he was awful. His tempo was sloppy, he had no idea how to connect to the rest of the band… not

The greatest trick @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus ever pulled was convincing the AV Club he doesn't exist.

I am the one who makes a pop culture reference