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    At least long enough to get his shirt off.

    "Forecasting," as one with a basic knowledge of English would know, refers to the future, so it is completely irrelevant here.

    Jude and Connor :)

    I too didn't remember whatever incident of "kidnapping" Callie is being accused of. I was surprised then they referred back to the Christmas episode in the "previously on…" segment.

    Yes, Switched at Birth has been moved to Tuesdays for some inexplicable reason (the ABCFamily Monday lineup has consistently been beautifully superior to the young-adult trashiness on display in their Tuesday lineup). The Fosters took over Switched at Birth's old timeslot on Mondays.

    I believe it was a "Quoffee Bar." God, I love Sue.

    "Daphne doesn't do difficult" … especially when it comes to her love interests. She just grabs at any guy in front of her.

    Agreed. The A.V. Club is exactly the kind of site that should be touting shows like Switched at Birth and the Fosters. If they want to talk about the appeal of "mid-reputable" shows, they should continue to show support for them.

    As long as Vee from Orange is the New Black makes a return, I'll be happy. I assume that was her real voice we got in the phone call here.

    He goes by A.J. now.

    "as funny as this show, but also as sweetly emotional" … that's because it's the most real and genuine comedy on TV. Take that, Modern Family.

    Best Brick's whisper gag yet—blowing bubbles in the pool water.

    It was nice of Orny Adams to show up just for his scene at the end. Too bad Greenberg wasn't there too.

    Since when does "evolution" mean devolving before becoming a higher species?

    I love everything about Jude and Connor, but I'm not so sure that I want their storyline to turn into a parent-child abuse story.

    They were away for two episodes, which seemed to take place over one weekend (a Saturday and a Sunday). At least I think so…

    I was afraid the shot of Sophia closing the bathroom door was going to be foreshadowing of some kind of suicide attempt. Hopefully that's not the way the next season/half-season (which is it, really?) opens.


    I got the impression that this episode happened the day after last week's episode (the fire). Steph mentioned Lena and Jude coming back "tomorrow" and I think mentioned that tomorrow is Monday. It would make sense, assuming that the camping trip is a weekend thing.

    Benefactor Theories Thread
    The current contenders (as I see them):
    - Gramps Argent
    - Lydia's grandmother (but perhaps she just writes the code for the real Benefactor)
    - Peter Hale (is there another reasonable explanation for why he is not on the deadpool?)
    - SwitchedAtBirth Grandma / Mexican hunters