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    Yes — all we know is that she is still alive in this world. She could be lying, and I think the point of the nun sleeping with the guy and denying it was to remind us of the existence of lies that are told to keep an illusion going. In reference to the pigeons not actually flying around the world, the nun said

    I noticed in the end credits (one or two names underneath Andy Daly's) Vanessa Marano of Gilmore Girls and Switched at Birth. I went back through the episode and found her. She's a student in the class that Bighead teaches. I assume that since she's not a nameless extra, she will be appearing in future episodes in

    My vote is for Conviction.

    Man with a Plan

    What is Sam Barsanti doing posting this at 8:00 a.m.? Sam, go back to your late afternoon/night/weekend shift!

    The word "chooses" was used in the clue. So it is unlikely to be accepted in the response, unless it is a "Stupid Answers" category.

    Well, it is now (excepting the Baratheon bastards like Gendry). But Tommen was reigning under the name Tommen Baratheon, with his true parentage not publicly known. He inherits the throne by supposedly being Robert's son.

    Should have called Papa John's.

    And we got the completely unnecessary information that the Joffrey actor has genital warts.

    It almost has to be a final 2 now—with two hours to fill next week there must be more than one immunity challenge. Unless they decide to throw in a reward challenge and that dreaded Fallen Comrades sequence.

    So, did they have Jon leave Castle Black right before Sansa arrives?

    I really hope they didn't have Jon leave right before Sansa arrives.

    Now we know that Jon Snow keeps his chest shaved and his pubes trimmed … seems unnecessary to a vowed celibate living perpetually in the tundra.

    Needs more dragons.

    Pod is my favorite character.

    So… Jon Snow is dead.

    There must have been a sale on clay pots this week, as the Survivor crew was more than happy to have them shattered in both challenges.

    The "Just clear your history" line from Axl is another great example of the show being real. While other shows (cough, cough, Modern Family, cough) try to appeal to the lowest common denominator with their characters' sex lives, the Middle deftly portrays Axl as being a normal teen/college student—sex plays a role in

    Is it too much to hope that Jimmy will have a happy ending?

    So, Kim is from a town on the Kansas-Nebraska border… this gives me two thoughts:
    1. It explains why she was wearing a Kansas City Royals t-shirt last episode.
    2. I hope this connects to why Jimmy/Saul wanted to move to Omaha, Nebraska post-Walter White.