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    Ice basketball!

    You mean that the call Kathryn received and the "accident" she referred to had nothing to do with Angelo and are referring to another accident Toby was in?

    I think we need a weekly weather report on Brandon (perhaps in the Stray Observations, or you can just comment on it every week). "Tropical Storm in His Pants Brandon" is perfect for this week.

    Liked for the phrase "First Edition Kennishes." Well done.

    It bothers me that they never show anything close to a Kansas City winter. I'm not even sure that they've ever even down cold weather scenes.

    Maybe the actor is busy with something else?

    Not only is Mama alive, but she got a scene with Papa Stiles! If they don't get together, something is wrong with the world.

    Yes, there are technically two separate cities (two different mayors, etc.): Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS. You are right, the Kennishes live in Mission Hills, Kansas (which is a real place) and the Vasquezes lived in East Riverside, MO (which is not a real place).

    Toby's back! Now just ditch the goatee, Lucas Grabeel.

    Fun fact: that building Bay's light art was projected onto is the new (and beautiful) Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, home of the KC Symphony, Opera, and Ballet. It was obvious that they used some green screen magic to put the cast in front of the building for the wide shots

    Right, I think they would prefer not to communicate with each other at all, so pen and paper is just fine if you are only going to be communicating sparingly.

    I always withhold judgment until I see the episode… the ABCFamily promos are always way more melodramatic and cataclysmic than the actual show.

    One person said "Bill of Rights," which is not only not 4 words, but there are not 13 of them (and they are in the Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence). I don't remember the other response.


    I think we all know the real reason for the low grades: no shirtless guys

    Jeff Davis is slacking off so far this season on that front… let's hope that improves soon!

    Switched at Birth was fantastic this week, especially everything with Emmett, Bay, and Melody. I also loved the nice touch at the very end of the episode with Emmett and Melody continuing their conversation in ASL (while the credits played) without any subtitles.

    Wow I love Jude. And Connor. Kudos to the show for the way they have handled their situation so far.

    Her name being attached probably helped get it on the air, and I remember her name being used in initial promos for the show, but I highly doubt that she has much to do with day-to-day operations of the show.

    I love that Switched at Birth grandma gets to actually be interesting on this show. She's a great actress and doesn't get much to do on SaB.