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    Any theories? Who is it that has Peter and Derek chained up (shirtless, thank God)?

    The Isaac and Stiles buddy comedy spin-off really needs to happen. Let's throw Danny in there too…

    Was it weird that the twins made no appearance in this episode? According to the previews, they'll be back this season.

    Have you watched the show before? Stiles' dad is the least douchebag out there. He and Stiles have one of the best (that is, most genuine) father-son relationships on TV right now.

    Given her speech to Scott about how he'll eventually love somebody else, I think we might be seeing Scott's mom and Stiles' dad getting together…

    Fuck yeah, Teen Wolf!

    I liked that they used recurring actors for that bit rather than creating new characters.

    Only Natevillians would hunt squab.

    I really enjoyed the lawyer storyline too. It was a great parody of television law shows, complete with the ridiculous revelation of a false alibi at the end.

    Unfinished is a characteristic feel of any true PDN review.

    I remember both of those, plus a Full House episode about teenage drunk driving.

    Solid A for both episodes. I'm excited to see where this goes from here.

    They're teenagers, plus, Simone's a slut.  That's the disconcerting part.

    Season finale predictions for next week? What will be the overly-dramatic, over-the-top, ABCFamily-requisite cliffhanger?


    Shirtless tally:
    Ethan and Aiden: all episode, including in buffed-up morphed form
    Uncle Peter: 1/3 (of his chest, not of the episode) Thank God for V-necks.

    I think MTV had one instance of MAN ASS! in the U.S. version of Skins—which caused a PTC controversy, as the actor was only 17 at the time.

    You're right.  The show's depiction of her faith is hardly realistic, even among that age group.

    Well Mama McCall has to work three shifts at the hospital.  She's the only nurse!  Give her a break!

    We've had several Damien Hirst pieces now.  Interesting.