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    Curious… does anyone know if transporting drugs from Mexico to the U.S. via submarine actually occurs?

    I agree with the review on the intensity of the scenes of Mike and Bello watching westerns together.  With Mike as Bello's new bodyguard, I think we'll have more of the same to come.

    Johnny is the comic relief of the show, and the comic relief never dies.  Just ask Hurley.

    Agreed.  Such wasted opportunities.  If you are watching a show for male shirtlessness, I might suggest Teen Wolf.

    On USA, it won't happen.  On HBO, it would have been in the pilot.

    Shirtless tally:
    Derek (all episode, with bloody abs)
    Boyd (for the first time??)
    Ethan (for the first time without his twin)
    Danny (with pert nipples)

    Best exchange:
    Kathryn: "In case you haven't noticed, our daughters are a mess."
    John: "And banging Chip Coto is gonna fix that."

    So, they couldn't get Austin Butler for one episode?  All the mentions of Wilke, plus Toby's return to illegal poker, made his absence glaringly apparent.

    The shoe-horning of Emmett into the episode was worth it for the moment when Daphne answers the door and Daphne identifies herself as not being deaf.

    No mention in the review of Kathryn's affair with the skeezy senator.  I liked the episode's way of exploring John and Kathryn's marriage.

    Yes and yes.  Welcome to ABC Family.

    The straight one penetrates the gay one… that seems about right.

    No, that's not embarrassing.  That's Teen Wolf.

    It actually seems like they are changing the timeline from when Regina finds out about the switch.  In other words, they are keeping the switch in the alternate timeline.

    Kept at Birth

    Shirtless tally:
    Scott: 1 (though bloody)
    Twins (of course): 1 (x2)

    They've got to save something for a future episode.

    It seemed that way… while her dad was dying…


    We were all correct last week — the random mention of Daphne's opposition to abstinence-only education is going to be building to a larger storyline.