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    Poor Toby.  One scene, and it wasn't really about him at all.

    Hopefully it's not all just ephemeral!

    Mike seemed ridiculously calm with a gun shoved in his mouth.  I would have peed my pants.

    I don't think the show disagrees with you—I get the impression that it is interested in exploring that double standard.

    Plus, Charlie tatted-up Johnny, including "down under."  That was a valuable contribution to this week's plot.

    Those are produced by ABC Family, not by Switched at Birth's producers.  On ABC Family, everything is EPIC and EARTH-SHATTERING.

    I disagree.  He rocked that diaper.  And he was surprisingly cut.

    Great return for science teacher guy.  Did he die at the end?

    They're too busy staring at shirtless Danny.

    I thought the same thing about the twins.  I wonder what the casting call for "buff, muscled, homoerotic, young-enough-to-play-high-school-students, male twins" was like.

    I think Tyler Posey has more tattoos than just the one on his arm, which is probably an obstacle to his shirtlessness.

    I don't know why I care, but that dead cockroach was incredibly realistic.  Either they have some great special effects, or they killed an actual cockroach and PETA's going to have a fit.  Actually, does PETA care about insects?

    I'll accept Jace simply for the "He's British?!" line.  That's something we never could get on another show.

    I think that was a joke.

    Best joke of the night?  My pick: Scott's joke that he must have sex with all of his clients.

    Shirtless tally:
    Isaac: 1
    Danny: 1
    Twins: 1 (x2)

    Phil, the greatest abomination in your review (among several): your claim that Derek was shirtless during his impaled-on-a-steampipe scene.  He was not.  But we wish he was.


    Stiles is the greatest character on Teen Wolf.  We don't need Ryan Stiles when we've got Dylan O'Brien.

    I also hate watching it live.  I do the same thing with fast-forwarding.  If Christina Milian is on my screen, I by default skip through it.