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    Are we at the point where any platonic relationship qualifies as a "bromance?"  I thought a "bromance" required two men, i.e., "bros"?

    I once spent a summer working "games" at Six Flags.  I hated every minute of it—it was boring, over 100 degrees for a week, and felt like I was just taking money from little kids knowing that the games were designed not to be won.

    Any episode without Emmett just seems a little empty.

    I thought about that too.

    Yep, this episode was titled (pretty awesomely) "Fireflies."

    Stiles, you're lucky Beacon Hills has only one nurse and she's always working. In the middle of the night. Every night.

    This show goes well beyond remaking the movie.  Watch it, and maybe you'll see that.

    Shirtless tally: 0

    There are at least 3 mistakes in the review, but I'm not going to bother pointing out what they are, since it's obvious that PDN doesn't care.

    I'm pretty sure Maui, Kansas was just the name of the carnival/fairground/amusement park, not the name of a town.

    The rehearsal dinner is the dinner that follows the wedding rehearsal.  It's a common (at least in America) wedding-related event for those who are attending the wedding rehearsal and is traditionally planned and paid for by the groom's parents.

    Fuck, yeah, Teen Wolf!

    Beau Mirchoff's been doing stellar work as Matty this season.

    I really think the show is playing the long game and using these episodes to explore a side of Jenna's character that isn't normally seen in teenage protagonists.

    Do her parents really have a healthy relationship?  It always feels to me like it could fall apart at any moment.

    Kyle returns!

    You mention it briefly toward the beginning of the review, but I don't think you have thought about it fully…

    I feel like we have a different standard for "naked."


    That's a good approach for a science fiction/fantasy show.